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Tosca TERAN – pataphysical journal

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,CREATEURS,,metal,Tosca TERAN (CA),USA,verre / glass — bijoucontemporain @ 21:08

découverte sur METALCYBERSPACE (une source INEPUISABLE de richesses !!!) – bijoux en argent et verre soufflé

COUP de COEUR, encore et toujours !! :-)
 » An Un-Natural History – 2009 -  The inspiration for this body of work is my fascination with the artistic representation of natural history, the creation of fictitious places in literature and my recent interest in Cordyceps fungus – in particular, Cordyceps Unilateralis, a species of entomopathogenic fungus that infects and alters the behaviour of ants in order to ensure the widespread distribution of its spores. It is from the Cordyceps that I most strongly draw the physical inspiration for my work at present. If we can say that the world of science is synonymous with truth and the world of art with that of fiction, I want to tread a middle ground that is unusual and seemingly beyond belief, yet also familiar. Borrowing from the work of German biologist and naturalist Ernst Haeckel, I want to create a body of work that is a documentation of something newly discovered; but, whereas it is claimed that some of Haeckel’s embryo drawings of 1874 were fabricated, for example, I am starting in the opposite direction, from a conjecture of the imagination grounded with elements that – although bizarre – are quite real, to try to give it verisimilitude. Haeckel’s embryo drawings, in spite of the fact that they overemphasized similarities between embryos of related species, nonetheless found their way into many biology textbooks, and into popular knowledge. I have adapted and created my own peculiar genus of entomopathogenic fungus with the hope that it inspires us to wonder not what imagination or motivation created them but simply, where such things can be found. The specimens in this collection are represented as maquettes; as a reader of Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth, C.S. Lewis’ Perelandra and John Uri Lloyd’s Etidorpha, I would want to believe that the imagined place from which these specimens originate would also allow them to thrive and grow to fantastic size. If the illusion is complete, please think of them as the younger of the species, provided not merely to delight the curious but to educate and inform in the manner of an exhibit in a natural history museum. On a final note, all of these specimens share the common feature of being based on a “ring” form, something to be worn on the hand, which is drawn from the idea of hand gestures. Although hand gestures are often regarded as mimed versions of spoken communication, they can imitate, amplify, substitute, and even contradict speech. Implied hand gesture here reveals the space and time dimension of a narrative within the pieces and their imagined origin. » (Tosca TERAN)

Tosca Teran - un-natural history

the « Un-natural History » album – 2009 – sterling silver & flame-worked blown glass, & other materials

Tosca Teran - Interplanetary Hearing deviceTosca Teran -double spore ring

« Interplanetary Hearing device » earring -                 « double spore » ring

Tosca Teran perelandrian ring 'Cnidarian'Tosca Teran -heart of glass

perelandrian ring ‘Cnidarian’           -          heart of glass

Tosca Teran - ringPerelandrian ring, 'Ecdysozoa'

silver, copper, wood branch ring                                       
- Perelandrian ring, ‘Ecdysozoa’ – sterling silver, flame-worked blown glassJ’adore le travail, l’imagination … j’ADORE les noms donnés à ces bijoux, monde fantasmagorique, marin ? sous-marin ? flottant entre limbes de l’inconscient, volutes de fumées ,-) , liquides amniotiques ou sub-aquatiques …. monde de la pré-naissance ou de la pré-connaissance ….

Tosca Teran - 2009- an Un-Natural History - 'Epigeous Conidiophorus' - silver, enamel, silicone, borosilicateTosca Teran - 2009- an Un-Natural History - 'Unclassified' - sterling silver, borosilicate, gold,oils, lichen

  »an Un-Natural History » -2009
Epigeous Conidiophorus‘ – silver, enamel, silicone, borosilicate       –
Unclassified‘ – sterling silver, borosilicate, gold,oils, lichen

Nager jusqu’à son monde sur

shop / acheter ses bijoux sur
Atelier/studio :
322 Harbord Street
Toronto, ON M6G 1H1
647. 219. 0585
email: (preferred -checked daily)


Gulnur OZDAGLAR bijoux en plastique recyclé – Jewelry from PET bottles

Gulnur OZDAGLAR (Turquie) creates jewelry and other objects from PET bottles. Most pieces are characterized by the many tiny holes which Ozdaglar individually pierces by hand.

Gulnur OzdaglarGulnur Ozdaglar - PET jewelry
              necklace -                     &            necklace segments
c’est incroyable la poésie qui se dégage de ces …. ex-bouteilles en plastique !
la transparence du verre, ces coloris de fonds aquatiques, la légéreté …. c’est magique ! j’adore ! Cette jeune femme, architecte de formation, vit à Ankara (Turquie). Bonne continuation ! :-) 

For information : « what is PET bottle? a domesticated bottle kept for companionship or amusement «   LOL !! Scelle

shop her creations at  :


book on all things transformed from bottles

« tertium non data » (book on all things transformed from bottles) – livre sur ses bijoux/objets

(en vente sur



Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,metal,Petra SCHOU (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 3:34

Petra SCHOU, Stockholm.

In my work, I often start out with an emotion or a mood, a memory of something. Sometimes, I take inspiration from forms in nature and the variations of the seasons, or my own family history.

I often try to relieve the solidity and rigidity of the metal by adding a sense of air and movability.
This is the reason why each piece of jewellery is made out of many small parts that I join or solder together into larger units. In that way, the material softens and becomes more vibrant and sensual. The flexibility allows the jewellery to follow the shape and movements of the body.

Petra SCHOUPetra SCHOU funnel ring

Petra SCHOU (SE) – funnel bracelets, silver  – funnel ring, silver

COUP de COEUR ! :-) Je sens que je DOIS avoir un de ces bracelets « hérisson » ! superbe travail !

zipper jewelry by Kate CUSACK …. zip zip hourra ! …. & Zoé COTLENKO

Kate CUSACK is a Brooklyn based designer creating artistic jewelry pieces that look beyond their material’s given purpose. While Cusack uses the material to make jewelry, you probably know it better as zippers. Yes, that’s right, Cusack uses the functional closure used on your jacket to make bracelets, brooches and necklaces. She has been making things using metal-toothed zippers since 2003. as she points out ‘it’s ironic that most fashion designers try to hide or disguise zippers in their creations. however, I love zippers’ shiny metal teeth and I want to show off, not hide, their sparkle and their sinuous flexibility.’ (thanks to DesignBOOM website ! :-) )

J’aime cet humour, ce détournement, et en même temps je me pose une question avec ce type de bijoux : le problème de la copie ….. on se dit « c’est facile ! », et en ces temps de « DIY » (« do-it-yourself » ou le règne du « c’est moi qui l’A fait »;-) …) tout le monde va tenter de se le faire soi-même (il suffit de voir cette page de OUTsaPOP !!!)….. d’où le problème de « durée de vie » de tels bijoux, voire du créateur ! saura-t-il se renouveler ? évoluer ? cela va avoir du succès, c’est coloré, ludique, facile … mais après ?



SimpleCut zipper necklace Par OutsaPop Trashion DIY fashion sur Etsy

Silviasthink zipper necklace
Zipper necklace by Silviasthink sur Etsy

Etsy ………. le lieu de BEAUCOUP de copie(s) …………… :-(


Cela me fait penser, dans le même « créneau » aux bijoux en boutons -que j’avais adoré!- de Zoé COTLENKO:  j’avais acheté un plastron fabuleux -et tintinnabulant !- en 2002, tout de boutons de nacre teintés à la main, et ses colliers ont été énormément copiés …. depuis, je n’ai plus entendu parler d’elle (bon, ma vie a été assez mouvementée !) et là … devinez quoi !??! je fais une recherche sur elle, pour vous en parler, et… que fait-elle ???!! je vous le donne en mille ????!!!? des bijoux à partir des « tirettes » des zip !!!! le hasard fait bien les choses ! :-) )

Zoe cotlenko boutons 2002zoecotlenko.jpg


Zoé COTLENKO – « MON » plastron (pièce unique) de boutons en nacre (2002)  -  collier « zips » (2009)

Paris-based jewelry artist Zoe Cotlenko uses a simple form (mother of pearl buttons) which she richly alters with color by dying then assembling them


Image de prévisualisation YouTube

Joshua DEMONTE architectural jewelry !!

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,CREATEURS,Joshua DEMONTE (US),USA,www DesignBOOM — bijoucontemporain @ 1:27

Joshua demonte jewelryJoshua demonte

Cathedral collar & cathedral bangle  !! WOW !

Joshua DEMONTE is a philadelphia based jewelry designer who models his works after architectural elements. demonte uses classical architecture as a basis for his works, which in his view activate the space surrounding the body and alter the viewers perception of the wearer. his pieces includes necklaces modeled after aqueducts or bracelets based on classical cathedrals. rather than working with the establish embellishments of jewelry objects, demonte chooses to uses architecture as a frame of reference.

Have a look at his works on

Have a look too at DesignBOOM website, jewelry pages :


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GIIA – felt neckpieces – parures en feutre

GIIA – Milano, Italie

graphic felt necklaces, or « neckpieces »

Her background is Interior Architecture and Furniture Design. After graduating from Domus Academy Milan she workes in her own studio in Cyprus and in Milan as a freelance designer on Interior Design Projects and furniture designs. In 2009 after moving completely to Milan she establishes  »Giia » Neckpieces and Accessories. Which has been a long time project.
Her background is reflected in her pieces, which are designed using geometrical shapes, architectural constructions and free form combinations. The results are bold, completely unique and aesthetic pieces
Un coup de coeur trouvé chez KABIRI à Londres !! :-)

GIIA greyGIIA graphic coll

d’abord, coup de coeur pour ces deux plastrons en feutre, très graphiques, superbes ! :-)

-en haut, série « hexagons », en bas série « graphic’-
je rêvais de celui du bas en fuschia, et l’ai trouvé sur le site de GIIA !!!! :-) ))))))))))))))) acheté de suite of course !! :-) Puis, ai finalement craqué, sur leur « e-shop »  pour des modèles (enfin UN seul pour lemoment ! ;-) ) beaucoup plus colorés et joyeux

GIIA wavesGIIA orange

GIIA Adriatic

plastrons de la série « waves »

GIIA silicone begonvilleGIIA silicone

silicone bracelets


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