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EXPO ‘Thread Bare’ – bijoux de Joanne HAYWOOD – Rochester Art Gallery (UK), 13 Fev – 25 avril 2010

J’ai tout d’abord découvert les bijoux de Joanne HAYWOOD à la Galerie CARACTERE, à Neuchatel (CH) : premier coup de coeur …. en attente de faire des économies ! ;-)

 Joanne haywood-- Garden Rings - 2008-09
Joanne haywood -Garden Rings – 2008-09 -coton crocheté, argent noirci

J’en profite pour vous présenter cette expostion : « Thread Bare », à la Rochester Art Gallery.
« Thread Bare » presents four contemporary artist-makers who use textiles to explore the human condition and gender-related concerns, relationships between past and present, and narratives constructed around personal and cultural identity. Contradictions and ambiguities abound in each artist’s work. Craig Fisher’s soft, sculptural installations question representations of violence and macho stereotypes whilst Lucy Brown explores the complex issue of female identity, reworking vintage garments into abstracted, figurative forms. Joanne Haywood takes part with her recent work. Mixed-media jewellery draws on the conflicts of opposites : skeletal wire forms and fleshy crocheted volumes; the natural and unnatural; the absence or presence of colour; the interplay of light and shadow.

Joanne haywood-- 2006-07 -BaubleJoanne haywood- Fibonacci - 2008-09- 2006-07 - Big Red
Joanne haywood -’Bauble’ ( 2006-07) -  ‘Fibonacci’ (2008-09)  – ‘Big Red’ (2006-07)

Joanne Haywood’s work takes up the human story through pieces that reach back into the faraway history of the Thames Valley and the exposed objects that come to light through mudlarking. Taking the clay pipes that speak in their materiality of the bones and shell that also archaeologically evidence London’s history, Haywood is interested in the transitional, as seen through metal oxidisation or the juxtaposing of skeletal metal and the fleshliness of textiles.
In her Pipe Flower Neckpieces, she builds onto the historical artefact something of the living textile, reminiscent of the loss of textile artefacts to water damage and time but also indicative of the re-inventive power of threads. Like Minta’s missing brooch in Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse, (in) significant objects, especially those of desire sustain and prevail, and offer themselves unexpectedly from the past for our engagement and re-visitation.

 2009-10 - Bilston Commission DetailJoanne Haywood- Artifact Neckpiece IndigoJoanne haywood- Tree Ring - 2008-09
‘Bilston Commission’ Detail (2009-10) -  ‘Artifact Neckpiece Indigo’ (2009-10) – ‘Tree’ Ring (2008-09)

Joanne Haywood défini son travail ainsi : My work explores the essence of materials and the permanence of jewellery as physical objects and a transitional idea. Wire compositions are altered by charcoal and wood oxidisation  ….  » Drawing on the contradiction and conflicts of opposites: Skeletal forms and fleshy volumes, natural and unnatural, the absence of colour and the addition of colour, light and shadow, within and beyond control.(source blog « mar de Color Rosa« )   : the Joanne Haywood blog for more information


Rochester Art Gallery
Medway Visitor Information Centre,
Ground Floor, 95 High Street,
Rochester, Kent, ME1 1LX  – UK
Opening hours : Mon-Sat 10am – 5pm, Sun 10.30am – 5pm, Free admission


-  A  -  Mixed-media Jewellery - Methods and Techniques (Design and Make) - Joanne haywood

« Mixed-media Jewellery – Methods and Techniques (Design and Make) » – Joanne haywood

ART AUREA – Institut für Schmuckkultur (Institute for Jewelry Culture) – Allemagne

Classé dans : Allemagne (DE),www ARTAUREA — bijoucontemporain @ 4:47

The Institut für Schmuckkultur (Institute for Jewelry Culture) was founded by Reinhold Ludwig in 2007 with the purpose of documenting the work of distinguished manufactories, designers and artists and communicating this to the public in a competent fashion. By means of innovative concepts and publications, the Institute helps to maintain, cultivate and further develop a discerning jewelry culture and the applied arts, a goal which is also supported by this internet platform with its Art Aurea magazine and Modern Jewelry Collection.

Modern Jewelry collection

The Modern Jewelry Collection, abbreviated MJC, annually presents the most important works created by discerning jewelry designers, manufactories and artists. Being presented on Art Aurea, these creations are simultaneously nominated to be included into the virtual Art Aurea museum. The pieces shown under the “Jewelry” heading, accompanied by a short portrait of the respective designer or manufactory, may serve the public as an orientation with regard to demanding, contemporary jewelry. Designers and artists from all over the world creating ambitious, authentic and contemporary jewelry are invited to apply for their pieces’ inclusion in the MJC

Modern Jewelry Academy

The Modern Jewelry Academy decides whether a piece will be included in the virtual Art Aurea museum. It is an international board of trustees composed of leading galleries, jewelers, museum curators, journalists and connoisseurs of modern jewelry. Thus, a publicly viewable, worldwide reference list of important pieces of jewelry will be created successively as the years go by, serving buyers and collectors as an orientation guide and thereby promoting the development of contemporary jewelry culture

art aurea


Art Aurea Magazine
International magazine for APPLIED ARTS, JEWELRY AND DESIGN
quarterly (4 times a year)
Aboservice Art Aurea
Guell GmbH, Heuriedweg 19, 88131 Lindau, Germany
Phone: +49(0)1805-01 25 73
Fax +49(0)1805-01 25 74

EXPO ‘Hoar Frost’ – Craft2EU gallery, Hambourg (DE) – 13 Jan 2010 – 6 Mar 2010

 Kathryn Partington -'ethereal' neckpiece 2009 - silver & silk, transfers 2Anke HennigEisschollen 2009 Silver

Kathryn Partington – neckpiece ‘Ethereal’ 2009 – Silver and silk, transfers
Anke Hennig – necklace  ‘Hybrid II’ 2009 Makrolon
 Michaela Kirchner – necklace ‘Eisschollen’ 2009 Silver

*Kathryn Partington produces one-off wearable items of jewellery by utilising her background training within the discipline of tableware ceramics & printed  textiles. She does not leave us with the association of the hoar frost on our skin. She rather conserve it in silver, silk and porcelain with fine patterns. These are applied in various printing and embossing techniques. some of them seems total magic ; it glimmers ever so softly, shimmers delicately and comes across changing just like a changing picture does.

*Anke Hennig combines with her jewellery the colours of winter and icy glitter with her delicate transparency of textile weave, called Monofil. The secret of her invention she keeps all to herself. The rosettes which are made into brooches and earrings are light and precious : a flexible development of the chains, partly because of the secrecy of their technique and at the same time their beauty.

*Michaela Kirchner experiments with tiniest structures, which line up around the neck of the person carrying them as if they were silver-coloured floating ice. Their amorpheus shapes are, melted into tiny glitter sructures which catch the light from all sides and throw back the light, shimmering and prescious.


« Hoar Frost »
craft2eu – agency and gallery for european arts and crafts
Eppendorfer Weg 231
20251 – Hamburg
Telephone: 0049-(0)40-480 928 22/24
Fax: 0049-(0)40-480 928 22/24

EXPO ‘Bijoux de création’ – Musée du Temps, Besançon (FR) – 22-23 mai 2010

Classé dans : Ateliers d'Art de France,Exposition/Exhibition,France (FR) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:18

25 créateurs bijoutiers haut de gamme, tous professionnels, exposeront dans la cour du Musée du Temps de Besançon, les 22 et 23 mai 2010.

(annonce présentée dans le site de la SEMA , pas trouvé d’information supplémentaire … Triste)

Au programme :
- Exposition vente des créations des créateurs de bijoux
- Démonstrations de savoir-faire, atelier découverte de gemmologie
- Exposition sur le thème de « Vénus »
- Intermèdes musicaux

EXPO bijou de cration 2010

et NON, contrairement à ce que dit l’affiche, PAS d’info sur Triste

Prix La Relève
Ateliers d’Art de France encourage les artisans d’art en début de carrière par la remise de Prix La Relève, sur des salons métiers d’art dont elle est partenaire, en province. En coopération avec les organisateurs de salons, elle sélectionne le lauréat, exposant pour la première fois à ce salon, sur des critères de savoir-faire et de créativité. Les artisans d’art ainsi choisis se voient remettre cette répompense, d’un montant de mille euros.
Le prix La Relève sera remis lors de « Bijoux de Création ».


Musée du Temps
Palais Granvelle
96 Grande rue
25000 BESANCON – France
tél :
fax :


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