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APPEL à CANDIDATURE – feutre/felt – Lark Books – deadline : 6 mars 2010

Classé dans : BOOKS / BIBLIO,Concours / Competition — bijoucontemporain @ 1:43

500 Felt Objects
Juror: Susan Brown
Entry Deadline Extended: March 6, 2010

Lark Books seeks images from artists/designers across the globe for publication in a juried collection showcasing felt objects. Categories in the book will include Garments, Jewelry, Furniture, Bags, Art Pieces, Headwear, Functional Items/Home Décor, Floor and Wall Coverings, and more. Felt must be the focus of all work, but other materials are allowed. While Lark usually features hand-made work, for this book, innovative designs in industrial felt are acceptable. Download more information and an entry form here.

en vue de publier dans la série « 500… » « 500 objets en feutre », envoyez vos projets !

500 rings500 bracelets500 plastic

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