Uli RAPP jewelry – not only plastic but a « diamond explosion » !
à la réception de mon collier, TRES bonne surprise : matière épaisse, double face (le verso est très élégant !), au tomber parfait, très bon rendu de la « chaine bling », sans les désavantages sonores !
Une parodie de « chaine bling » en fait ! excellent pied-de-nez …..
Amsterdam based artist, Uli Rapp has created some contemporary jewelry by screenprinting onto fabric and rubber. Her inspiration comes from classic 16th century designs. She also designs fabric using old and new printing techniques. multi-chains necklaces, made of screenprinted textile with a rubber backing – sept 2009-
Charms necklace (MON collier !! rhhhhâââ ! - Uli Rapp – ‘diamonds explosion’ necklace
charms necklaces
Un de ses colliers figurait même dans la collection de bijoux contemporains d’Yves Saint Laurent (cf catalogue de la vente Pierre Bergé, jeudi 19 juin 2008, Bruxelles) ! c’est vous dire !
publiée dans « Plastic Jewelry designs » (BOOK)
prochaine exposition : ‘Transmutations : Material Reborn’ – Facèré Gallery, Seattle (USA) 5-24 MAY 2010
« Among most contemporary jewellery artists, this is a peaceful matter and the subject is almost dead. The value of jewellery doesn’t expire on the price of the materials it is made from, but based on the singularity of the concept behind the work. Today’s use of new materials is as challenging now as it was once exploring the detail and perfection in the most elaborated techniques. What if stones resembled stones, but weren’t? What if all that was left from gold was glitter? It’s in this context that both artists we present in this 03/10 exhibition emerge: both seek, in their own individual path, to update what was once considered precious in the traditional jewellery. Using all the irony and irreverence typical of their pieces, they propose jewellery in fabric and rubber, glass and even silver and gold, why not? Their works refer us to times of opulence and feast, of great dames and even greater jewellery. Pieces to wear and dream about. » (exposition « True False » , Galerie REVERSO, Lisbonne (PT) 2008 )
Uli RAPP (NL) sur http://www.uli.nu/