Traditional techniques do not mean lack of innovation : Dorit SCHUBERT & lace
Bobbin lace / dentelle au fuseau
« Traditional techniques do not mean a lack of innovation. Designer Dorit Schubert from Dresden discovered the very traditional art of bobbin lace making as an ideal medium for jewellery design. She works with fine threads of silver, stainless steel and coloured nylon in the traditional bobbin lace technique into filigreed jewellery. She develops three-dimensional shapes and connections from the flat shape and fits them together. She takes her cue from nature, lets blossom bells, leaves, pods, and panicles grow in the truest sense of the word. Her astonishing technical perfection is a surprise and unites with its precise shapes into a small treasure of unusual transparency and lightness. Structurally the necklaces and ear-hangings seem fragile, but in their craftsmanship they are actually quite tough and indestructible.«
After she trained as a dental technician Dorit Schubert absolved a professional study from 1995 until 1998 at the HS Zwickau in Saxonia and mastered at the Applied Arts Schneeberg in textile arts. Since that time she has worked on her own and has received much recognition for her very special jewellery. 1998 the State Prize of Bavaria, 2008 Blickfang Design Prize and the Prize for Applied Arts Koppel 66 in Hamburg.
Elle explique des tas de choses sur son site, sur les matériaux utilisés et la technique, mais malheureusement uniquement en allemand … tout cela a un coté très bucolique et délicat, pas « cucul » pour deux sous ! Et les couleurs ont un coté rafraichissant et suranné en même temps …. délicieux !
Dorit Schubert – earrings 2008- bobbin lace made from fishing line – silver, glass beads
quallen necklace
earrings ‘star’, polyamid, stainless steel, tongued, silver
earrings ‘cherry’ – bobbin lace
necklace ‘Bohnen’, polyamid, stainless steel, 70 cm long — broche (?)
à « shopper » chez Craft2eu !