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  • > EXPO ‘No Problem (?)’ Nine Israeli Jewelers – Gallery Loupe, USA – 9 Fev-14 Mar 2010


EXPO ‘No Problem (?)’ Nine Israeli Jewelers – Gallery Loupe, USA – 9 Fev-14 Mar 2010

« No Problem (?) » addresses the tension that exists between the monumental problems of the State of Israel and the « flippant » jargon of everyday speech that often seems to belie these problems.
This exhibition brings together the outstanding talent of contemporary studio jewelers from two renowned Art Schools — Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem and Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Ramat Gan.

« NO PROBLEM (?) » is curated by Deganit Stern Schocken – a leading force in the field of Contemporary Art Jewelry and one of Israel’s most important studio jewelers.

Participating Artists :
Shirly Bar-Amotz, Rory Hooper, Aviv Kinel, Gregory Larin, Tehila Levi, Michal Oren, Dana Seachuga, Deganit Stern Schocken, Edda Vardimon.

Dana SEACHUGA (IL)'hollow cries' brooch- 2009 - ivory, deer horn,pearls,silver, nail polishDeganit STERN SCHOCKEN (IL)'figure of speech - the eye' neckpiece- 2009Michal OREN (IL) 'a place to hide' bracelet- 2009 - oxidised silverTehila LEVI (IL) 'ventricular fibrillation- for my baci' neckpiece- 2009 - silver, alpacaAviv Kinel (IL) street hearts ring 2009 - silver, pvc
Dana SEACHUGA (IL)’hollow cries’ brooch- 2009 – ivory, deer horn,pearls,silver, nail polish
Deganit STERN SCHOCKEN (IL)’figure of speech – the eye’ neckpiece- 2009 -stainless steel, polystyrene,silver, gold, zircon
Michal OREN (IL) ‘a place to hide’ bracelet- 2009 – oxidised silver
Tehila LEVI (IL) ‘ventricular fibrillation- for my baci’ neckpiece- 2009 – silver, alpaca
Aviv Kinel (IL) street hearts ring 2009 – silver, pvc*
Gallery Loupe
50 Church Street
Montclair, NJ 07042 (USA)
Tel : 973 744 0061
Fax : 973 744 0062
email :
Tuesday – Friday 11-6
Saturday & Sunday 12-5
or by appointment


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