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EXPO ‘Birgit Laken’ – Gallery Hnoss, Göteborg (Suede) – 10 avril-2 mai 2010

Birgit Laken (NL) : Heartwork
Birgit Laken – brooch ‘Heart on top’ 2010 – silver & gold

Birgit Lakens aesthetics is characterised by pure, strong lines. She works with themes and subjects that moves her in different ways. This approach result in jewellery that is both strict to its appearance but also playful and humorous.
Birgit Laken (NL) -  2007 Necklace « Hoya Camosa » acrylic sheet, silver

birgit-laken-28-Necklace-String-Birgit Laken - Hear_necklace_silver_acrylic_paint 2005
Birgit Laken Necklace « String »
Birgit Laken « Hear » necklace silver, acrylic, paint -2005
Birgit Laken Queen Twitter’ brooch


Birgit Laken sera exposée aussi en 2010 :

* à la galerie REVERSO (Lisbonne,Portugal)  en septembre 2010 : expo « IGOJA »
*et  à la galerie ORFEO (Luxembourg) en octobre 2010 expo “Summerland”


EXPO 'Birgit Laken' - Gallery Hnoss, Göteborg (Suede) - 10 avril-2 mai 2010  dans Birgit LAKEN (NL) Birgit-Laken-necklace_Hoya-Camosa-3a
Birgit Laken, necklace “Hoya Camosa 3a”, silver, acrylic paint,textile 2008



Konstepidemins Väg 6
S–413 14 Göteborg (Sweden)
Phone +46 31-41 09 19
Konstepidemin is a non profit organization providing studio facilities for over a hundred professional artists.
The different galleries show around 30 exhibitions every year. Konstepidemin Gallery shows contemporary art, in Bergrummet and Pannrummet offers spaces for experimental artistic approaches. Galleri hnoss is dedicated to show contemporary international jewellery.

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