EXPO ‘Willy Van De Velde : What after the apocalypse?’ – Silke & the gallery, Anvers (Belgium) – 24 Avr-28 Mai 2010
Willy Van De Velde : What after the apocalypse ?
après l’apocalypse, je sais pas, mais « présentement », c’est FLUO ! …. et BÔ !
Willy Van De Velde (BE)- Plexiglass, aluminium – necklace & bracelet
« eating more fish » ring – Rood transparant plexyglas,mix transparant/opaque plexyglas,rubber,inox
« Presenting considerable smaller scale jewellery pieces, like rings and bracelets. All reflecting his characteristic ‘futuristic’ and colourful style, using recuperated materials like plexiglass and aluminium. Jewellery and wearable objects distinguish in fact only one section of the universe of self-made multimedia artist Van de Velde, in which lightcreations and soundscapes are evenly present. A universe contemplating on technology and computers and their present-day omnipresence. Thus, his creations could be seen as ‘conversation pieces’, stimulating reflection and external dialogues. » (Evelien Bracke)
« Star of Egypt » necklace - plexiglass
Pièce unique. COLLIER en plexiglas. Ce collier a participé a l’exposition « Triénnale du bijoux », Mons 2008
« Soundsystem »
Silke & the gallery
Steenhouwersvest 49
B 2000 – Antwerp/Anvers (Belgium)
Tel : +32 (0)474 78 01 32
mail: silke@silkefleischer.com
website: www.silkeandthegallery.com