COUP de COEUR ! Fie von KROGH (Norvège)
Coup de coeur pour les bijoux de cette créatrice norvégienne, Fie von Krogh, mais aussi pour son modèle, cette femme d’age mûr superbe, et PARCE que CE modèle (et non l’habituelle « dulcinée » rose …) !
« In this collection I have sought to make plastic interact with gold and silver. Here, the metal is no longer laminated in plastic, it is rather plastic that is covered with 23 carat gold leaf and fine silver leaf and subsequently heat-treated. I call this material “A synergy of gilded plastic”.
Some of the pieces have manipulated enlarged photographs of micro-organisms such as dinoflagellate. These add patterns to the forms. Perhaps this is a game I have played – creating a new material – the new gold. Of course, there is little in my work that a geologist would recognize: but it has inspired me to think further, to intensify the « love » aspect of my love-hate relationship to plastic. » Fie von Krogh
Foraminifer – Eosphaera
« The oil we extract from Mother Earth is formed from micro-organisms that lived 68 million years ago. Oil is such a precious resource that powerful men will go to war to gain and keep control of it. The wealth it generates bestows even more power.
We produce plastic from oil: plastic, so often an object of distain – to be used and disposed of. Plastic pollutes the environment when the oil is extracted, refined and produced, only to cause further pollution when it is finally discarded. Plastic is not perishable; « plastics are forever ». With so much at stake, perhaps we should regard plastic as one of the most precious materials that we have.
I am working with plastic once more. This is the material I used in combination with silver « Fie von Krogh