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Yong Joo Kim – Reconfiguring The Ordinary

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,recup' / recycled,www DesignMilk,Yong JOO KIM (S.KR) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:34

« Recent (2009) MFA graduate Yong Joo Kim explores the value of usually mundane objects by using them to create unique jewelry pieces that bring out their hidden beauty. By reconfiguring objects such as beans and cable ties, she introduces the viewer to a new way of looking at these seemingly insignificant materials and brings to mind the questions pertaining to the definition of value.«  (DesignMilk)

Yong Joo Kim's velcro necklace
Yong Joo Kim‘s velcro necklace Joo Kim - Reconfiguring The Ordinary dans COUP DE COEUR

 dans recup' / recycled
Yong Joo Kim‘s « Reconfiguring the Ordinary » collection – mix of Velcro, zip ties and dried soybeansneckpieces
(voir son blog)


 dans www DesignMilk


“Think of beans, straws, pins, nails, velcro, snaps, cable ties, and electric caps.These objects are not normally considered beautiful or valuable. I explore the value of such mundane objects, and discover their hidden beauty through a process of reconfiguration. Ipay close attention to the objects and their system of organization in my environment. I bring in new ways of looking at these objects by creating relationships among them. My work introduces unconventional use of familiar artifacts into a world full of conventions.”


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