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Galerie RA en péril – demande de soutien – Help us to HELP Gallery RA (Amsterdam)

Classé dans : Gal. RA (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:37

Chers amis bijoutiers artistes étudiants enseignants amateurs d’art  etc …

Nous avons tous entendus parler de la Galerie Ra, du travail de Paul Derrez , depuis qu’il a ouvert sa galerie en 1976 et pour cela je vous demande de lire la lettre jointe, prendre note  des difficultés de Paul Derrez et,

si vous voulez soutenir l’initiative de Liesbeth den Besten, critique d’art, lui envoyer, à l’adresse, votre nom, profession, adresse et pays, et si vous avez envie, une  lettre de soutien, même en français.

en attendant d’avoir des nouvelles positives, je vous remercie  d’avoir pris le temps de lire et peut être de répondre.


Monika Brugger


Dear reader of this e-mail,

Some of you may have heard about the troubles gallery Ra is in  because of housing problems.

Paul Derrez is looking for a new gallery space in Amsterdam for about one year now, but without the desired effect. Therefore I have written an open letter to the City of Amsterdam to try and see if they can do something for the gallery. My question to you is : please read the letter and if you want to  support this, reply this mail to me including your name, function  or commitment, place and country.

Thank you in advance,

Liesbeth den Besten
Bovenkerkerkade 29
NL – 1185 CR  Amstelveen
0031 (0)206435390 / (0)612719442



Open letter to the Councillor of Arts and Culture of the City of Amsterdam, Mrs. Carolien Gehrels,


Hereby we ask the City of Amsterdam to help a gallery with a good international reputation and a long history in Amsterdam, which is now in troubles because of housing problems.

Gallery Ra, for contemporary jewellery, was started in 1976 in a small basement in de Lange Leidsedwarsstraat 178 in the centre of Amsterdam. Important international pioneers, such as Gijs Bakker and Emmy van Leersum had solo exhibitions in the gallery. From the start also British and German artists were represented, soon artists from other countries and continents followed.

Besides following of international developments, gallery owner and initiator Paul Derrez, also attached much importance to his documentation centre, where the public could read newspaper cuttings, magazines and other publications. Today the gallery is selling an extensive collection of international publications on jewellery and crafts – unique in the Netherlands.

In April 1983 the gallery moved to a much better place in the centre of the city, at the Vijzelstraat 80, corner Prinsengracht, where it acquired circa 90 square meter over two floors.

Unfortunately the gallery is given notice to leave the premise by October 1st  this year, because of plans for radical renovations.

 Since 34 years Gallery Ra is making a valuable contribution to the cultural climate of Amsterdam. To many people in the field Amsterdam is synonymous with gallery Ra. For a long time Gallery Ra was the only specialised jewellery gallery in Amsterdam, and one of the few in the world. Times have changed but the reputation of gallery Ra remained as good as ever, notwithstanding the explosive growth of the amount of jewellery galleries world wide.

In spite of all problems and the uncertainty about the future of the gallery, the artists remain true to Ra, while the gallery keeps on presenting at international art fairs (Object, Rotterdam; Schmuck, München and Collect, London) and organising exhibitions of which the last solo show will open this month on the 22nd.

The rentals, takeover prices and other guarantees asked in Amsterdam are ridiculously high, and are too risky for a jewellery gallery. When Gallery Ra because of housing problems would be forced to close its doors, it would mean a great loss for the cultural diversity in Amsterdam and for contemporary jewellery in general.

Therefore we ask the City of Amsterdam if they could help in finding a proper place for gallery Ra in the centre of Amsterdam – if necessary only for a interim period.

Gallery Ra should not get into hot water because of housing problems!

Liesbeth den Besten, chairwoman of the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation,

Signed by:

Name, function or commitment, place, country.



Galerie Ra
Vijzelstraat 80
1017 HL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)20 6265100
Fax +31 (0)20 6204595

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