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COUP de COEUR ! Rachel McKnight

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Craft Northern Ireland,plastiques,Rachel McKNIGHT (IRL),SHOP — bijoucontemporain @ 0:07

« Rachel McKnightgraduated from the University of Ulster in 2003. Rachel’s quirky and innovative creations in plastics and rubber have won her much acclaim including 1st prize in the jewellery (alternative materials) section of the RDS National Craft Awards in 2005.
« The excitement of sourcing new materials and the experimentation with them inspires me to produce original and innovative jewellery. Plastics interest me because of their many manufacturing possibilities and multitude of colours. The idea of transparency and opaque colour influences my designs, and plastics allow me to explore this.”
Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is available in UK and US retail outlets.« 

COUP de COEUR !  Rachel McKnight dans COUP DE COEUR 95efd0eb27fb44809be5cfcc348433edPerspexSandwichBangleRachel McK - Perspex sandwich Bangle
a87d41c04e064488ae63df15eb214b4bPerspexFlatLaceBangles dans Craft Northern IrelandRachel McK Perspex Flat Lace Bangle
Rachel%20McKnight%206 dans plastiquesRachel McK  - White Twisted Ruffle Necklace - Polypropylene discs
d3e06eb766b843309d67a3617c6030d0PinkandClearMultipleCageNeckpiece dans Rachel McKNIGHT (IRL)
Rachel McK Pink and Clear Multiple Cage Necklace
3bfc85f7afc040fda49072c29269af4fPinkLayeredCollar dans SHOP
Rachel McK Pink Layered Collar
26678a671cd047328056b4f88c029564Yellow%20Cog%20BangleRachel McK Yellow Cog Bangle


 Craft Northern Ireland

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