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EXPO ‘TRANSMUTATIONS/MATERIAL REBORN’ – Gallery Loupe (USA) – 22 Juin-16 Juil. 2010

This exhibition represents the extraordinary work being produced today by artists who use plastics as a foundational element in their pieces.  These are pieces that span the realms of the sublime and the humorous.  Whether meant for everyday adornment or making a specific statement, for telling a story or giving straightforward aesthetic pleasure, this exhibition demonstrates the vast range of possibilities that plastic affords.

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

TRANSMUTATIONS/MATERIAL REBORN is curated by Susan Kasson Sloan who recently jurored Lark Book’s « 500 Plastic Jewelry Designs – A Groundbreaking Survey of a Modern Material. »  Kasson Sloan teaches at the 92nd Street Y in NYC.

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by


Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by


Contemporary Art Jewelry by

Contemporary Art Jewelry by




voir aussi article :  EXPO ‘Transmutations : Material Reborn’ – Facèré Gallery, Seattle (USA) 5-24 MAY 2010

COUP de COEUR ! Alexandra Chaney : laissez parler vos PHOBIES

Classé dans : Alexandra CHANEY (US),COUP DE COEUR,USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:12

REPEL series by Alexandra Chaney

COUP de COEUR ! Alexandra Chaney : laissez parler vos PHOBIES dans Alexandra CHANEY (US) 5144_1092593352339_1151689727_221694_5148505_n
Repel: Fumiphobia – gold plated copper, guitar strings, cigarettes

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Repel: Meal – gold plated copper, plastic tube, mealworms (photo by Kent Colony)

5144_1092593432341_1151689727_221696_883452_n dans USA
Repel: Aprilophobia – syringe needles, fishing line, epoxy

Repel: Tetanophobia – rusty nails and fence staples, steel, magnets

Repel: Aichmophobia – copper, X-acto blades, magnets

Repel: Snap – copper, mousetraps, cubic zurconiums -(photos by Kent Colony)


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