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COUP de COEUR ! SOLITAIRE look rings … & jewelry !

« She’s a dimestore diamond
Shines like the real thing…
dimestore diamond«  
(Beth DittoGossip)
(dimestore diamond = diamant « de prisunic » …)

and ….. According to the first lady of glamour, Marilyn Monroe, « You can wear your heart on your sleeve, but you can wear a diamond anywhere. »

Like Diamond or « gem-shaped » rings, or jewelry …..
Emmanuel Lacoste (FR) , bague ’7 péchés capitaux – ORGUEIL’ -le plus gros solitaire de la planète-symbole universel, signe extérieur de richesse par excellence…plus le diamant est gros plus l’ego est développé …

COUP de COEUR ! SOLITAIRE look rings ... & jewelry ! dans Alissia MELKA-TEICHROEW (US) npw dans Anna STEINEROVA (PL)
Marta HRYC (PL) (ex-eleve Jorge Manilla) -  ‘size mattersrings

Sarah-Holden-Ring dans blog TheCarrotBox
Sarah Holden (US), Sterling silver solitaire ring, 2010, sterling silver, brass

Thread Diamond SolitareThread Diamond Solitare
Sarah Holden (US) - Thread Diamond Solitaire  – Machine embroidered, both diamond & band – cotton thread  - 
to SHOP on Etsy

Huge Diamond Neckpiece
Sarah Holden (US) - Huge Diamond Neckpiece – 3D machine embroidered diamonds… truly a girl’s best friend! Takes two weeks to make and can be made in a variety of colors, but the diamonds are fo-eva!

Huge Diamond Neckpiece
Sarah Holden (US) - Huge Diamond Neckpiece – 3D machine embroidered diamonds… – detail

« Selda Okutan ‘Like Diamond’ series, which features not just metal gems but also gem-shaped bands » (discovered on the « carrotbox » blog at first)

31167_383462147910_609122910_3932654_897991_n dans COUP DE COEUR31167_383462152910_609122910_3932655_5513949_n dans Ellie MURPHY (UK)
Selda Okutan (TR) 2010 collection rings

framecoklu dans Emmanuel LACOSTE (FR)
Selda Okutan (TR) ‘Sweet Heart Frame Rings’ – to SHOP on her website
Yael FriedmanWhite Elephants, 2008, constructed paper

 dans Jennifer KELLOGG (US)
Violaine ULMER – bague « diamant » porcelaine émaillée


3408876_orig dans K. bo SONNE (DK)
Maricha Genovese (US) – « Diamond Ring » Ring: needle felted wool, thread, sterling silver  (discovered on carrotbox) 

Maricha Genovese  « Under Pressure » Necklace: needle felted wool, thread, sterling silver

Gut Ring <br /> Sterling Silver, Gut, Steel, Citrine 3.5 x 5 x 5 cm 2008″ width= »262″ height= »249″ /><img src=Katie Rearick (US)- Gut Ring – Sterling Silver, Gut, Steel, Citrine – « Gnaw » series
‘diamond’ ring – Sterling Silver, Steel, Gut – (discovered on « the carrotbox »….. !!!)

Gnaw<br /> Steel, Gut, Silk 120 x 95 x 60 in  2008″ width= »451″ height= »287″ /><br />
<font size=‘Gnaw’ – Steel, Gut, Silk 

photoSOLITAIRE- Stephanie Condes
Anna STEINEROVA (PL) – bague- perspex et ……
Stéfanie Condes  (BE) – ring


 Dal 18 giugno al primo agosto la Triennale di Milano ospita la mostra Juwel Ring vergrößern
Viola Vecchi (IT) - anello in titanio (Fotos : Fondazione Politecnico di Milano) - (EXPO ‘Titani Preziosi »)
Renate Schmid (DE) – ring – (EXPO ‘no gems please’)
Uli Rapp (NL) – ‘diamonds explosion’ – Screenprinted textile necklace

screenprint1 dans Katie REARICK (US)
Uli Rapp – screen printed diamonds necklace

Uli_Rapp_16 dans Kim BUCK (DK)
Uli Rapp Diamondbrooch – textile, rubber, screenprinting
Philip Sajet – Collier Rouge 2 2006 – Gold, glass - diamond structures
« Lors de sa première exposition à la galerie TACTILe, en février 2001, Philip Sajet nous avait fait découvrir ses «répliques uniques», copies de diamants  »

 dans Louise BILLGREN (DK)
Galit Shivek Bar (from the Jewelry Department of Shenkar Academy, Israel, 2008)

Triple%20Gold1 dans Marc MONZO (ES) Royal%20Blue1 dans Maricha GENOVESE (US) White%20Double1 dans Marta HRYC (PL) Single%20Pink1 dans Philip SAJET (NL) Single%20Gold1 dans Renate SCHMID (DE)
Double%20Coral1 dans Sabine LANG (DE) Black%20&%20Gold%20Single1 dans Sarah HOLDEN (US) Double%20Turquoise1 dans Selda OKUTAN (TR) Double%20Black%20&%20Gold1 dans SHOP

Ellie Murphy (UK) -  diamants revisités …..
Sabine Lang (DE) – kindheit (bague en tissu) (Childhood time)
Sabine Lang (DE) ‘Lebensmitte’ ring (Middle age time)
Sabine Lang (DE) diamond skeleton ring (Ageing time)

« The three ages of life were presented by three pieces of jewellery: three different rings with a stone.
Childhood: A huge, oversized ring made of fabric invites the young to touch it. It’s soft and pillowy, something to play with. For an adult the ring is the size of a bangle and could be worn thus.
Middle age: A great rock crystal shows us luxuriance and vitality. This ring stands for prime of life. The zircon below the rock crystal makes the sparkle and glamour more intensive.
Ageing: At the end there is just the frame left. The skeleton of a ring symbolises the momentariness of our lives and all things. » (Sabine Lang (DE)) dans Stefanie CONDES (BE)
Jennifer Kellogg (US) – ‘Diamond’ white gold ring
Jennifer Kellogg – ’26 Diamond Necklace’
‘Ufo Products’ (Yuho Fukuhara, JP)  Acrylic Cube Diamond Rings
Ufo Products’ (Yuho Fukuhara, JP) ‘diamond’ rings
Marc MONZO (ES) – brooch ‘Big Solitaire’ silver, circonia, steel. 2005-2006

ring6 dans Thomas FEICHTNER (AT)SOLITAIRE-  'diamond ring' acrylic rings by alissia melka teichroew (usa)
Alissia Melka Teichroew (AMT Jewelry)(NL/US)- silver & acrylic « diamond » rings - a playful twist on the classic Tiffany setting


Alissia Melka-Teichroew  (NL/US) – References from iconic jewellery, including luxury brands such as Bulgari and Cartier, can be found in the forms of the Jointed Jewels

ddc_dbr_jew_1_large dans Uli RAPP (NL)NaokoFukuoka_03 dans Viola VECCHI (IT)
« Jewelgraphy card » You can never have enough bling!  designed by Naoko Fukuoka for D-BROS, a graphic design studio based in Tokyo (à « shopper » sur «« 

20769_1321408910273_1082334338_1018813_5223980_n dans Violaine ULMER (FR)
Louise Billgren (DK) -  Neckpiece « Go For The Power OF The Big Rocks » – Soap (!!!), rope
Kim Buck (DK) – diamond ring (2005) - unfolding solitaire ….


last1 dans Yael FRIEDMAN (IL)last4 dans Yuho FUKUHARA (JP)last3
Thomas Feichtner (AT) – ‘filio’ ring – silver – the ring is a one off piece that uses the same geometry of a cut gemstone.

K. bo SONNE – “diamond #1″ ring – lion yarn (??), silver 

K. bo SONNE – “diamond #2″ ring – textiles, silver


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