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COUP de COEUR ! Jeremy May (UK) – laminated paper jewelry

Jeremy May’s jewelry,  made by laminating hundreds sheets of paper together

PS : il m’a semblé intéressant de vous montrer à la suite ces différents créateurs de bijoux en papier, qui démontrent bien les infinies possibilités offertes par ce matériau !!! matériau que,vous avez pu le constater, j’apprécie tant ! :-)

ring ‘Vanity Fair’


« Paper is many things : a carrier of text, illustration, history and emotion.
Jeremy May (UK) has captured the beauty of paper via a unique laminating process. Littlefly jewellery is made by laminating hundreds sheets of paper together, then carefully finishing to a high gloss. The paper is selected and carefully removed from a book, and the jewellery re-inserted in the excavated space.
Each piece is impossible to replicate, and is unique to the  wearer. The beauty of the jewels extends within the piece: text and images pass all the way though the object, only exposed at the surfaces – giving a tantalising glimpse of the book within »

COUP de COEUR !  Jeremy May (UK) - laminated paper jewelry dans COUP DE COEUR littlefly_0022littlefly_0021 dans Grande-Bretagne (UK)
littlefly_0016 dans Jeremy MAY (UK)littlefly_0014 dans papier / paper


083-finger-w dans SHOPserial no#: 032 -
Jeremy May (UK)  - rings ‘Dictionnaire de Reves’  &  ‘Ten Thousand a Year’


045-book-w dans TOI nocontrolair (JP)092-w
Jeremy May (UK)  - bracelet ‘Die Schonheit des Weiblichen Korpers’
Jeremy May (UK)  - necklace/pendant ‘English Dictionary For Everyday use’ 

serial no#: 045 -
Jeremy May (UK)  - bracelet ‘Die Schonheit des Weiblichen Korpers’   (détail)


Jeremy May (UK)  - ring ‘Many Inventions’      –     necklace ‘O Megalos Faras’

013-neck-wserial no#: 013 -
Jeremy May (UK)  - necklace  ‘Dramatic Works’

004-wserial no#: 005 -
Jeremy May (UK)  - rings ‘Horizontal’ & ‘Ana’s Robinson Crusoe’

serial no#: 011 - serial no#: 010 -
Jeremy May (UK)  - rings  ‘The Master and Margarita’  &  ‘Jane Eyre’

Serial no#: 105 -
Jeremy May (UK)  - ring ’20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’

(découvert sur blog de Christopher Adach )




à « shopper » au … Japon ‘héé oui !) chez TOI , et TOI (chercher la marque ‘LittleFly’)

TOI ‘news’

COUP de COEUR – BOOK jewelry, by Liz Hamman

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Grande-Bretagne (UK),Liz HAMMAN (UK),papier / paper,SHOP — bijoucontemporain @ 10:10

Liz Hamman, Paper Jewellery Artist

« Artist when I am not working to pay the bills. I am often accused for not listening, paying attention and concentrating. I have been told many times that I have a `Butterfly Mind`. I dont feel that this is necessarily a bad thing, my mind flits around and plays with all kinds of interesting and hopefully good ideas. Sometimes strange assosciations are made, things are created and fun is had.  »


Folded Books and book jewellery on exhibition at the National Glass Centre, in Sunderland, April till June 2009 :

COUP de COEUR - BOOK jewelry, by Liz Hamman dans COUP DE COEUR n614608991_1601484_3029859
Liz Hamman (UK) – sunflower book

n614608991_1601503_1024060 dans Grande-Bretagne (UK)
Liz Hamman (UK) – Canaletto necklace

n614608991_1601527_2597748 dans Liz HAMMAN (UK)
Liz Hamman (UK) – Greek book brooch

35075_128077030567067_120221958019241_144621_1716084_n dans papier / paper
Liz Hamman (UK) – Necklace made from a complete childrens book,it took about 7000 circles (!!!) to complete

n614608991_1601531_1469764 dans SHOP
Liz Hamman (UK) – Music manuscript necklace

Liz Hamman (UK) – map of Torquay brooch

Liz Hamman (UK) – Combustion bangle – AA book of the car,burnt

Liz Hamman (UK) -  Recycled magazines and newspaper jewellery- Newspaper bangle

Liz Hamman (UK) -  New work, Music manuscript necklace.
made for the `Loot `exhibition in New York, at the Museum of Arts and Design (Oct 2010)

Liz Hamman (UK) -  520 quids worth (monopoly money) brooch

Liz Hamman (UK) -  Paper bangle


pour en découvrir plus, visiter ces pages :

* Liz Hamman  Web Site :
* sur Flickr : ‘effemera
* sur FaceBook la page « Liz Hamman, Paper Jewellery Artist »
* My work can be purcheased by visiting ««  SHOP

COUP de COEUR ! paper jewelry by Dana Bloom

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Dana BLOOM (IL),Israel (IL),papier / paper — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04


COUP de COEUR !  paper jewelry by Dana Bloom dans COUP DE COEUR n566803122_1580419_4944625
Dana Bloom (IL) – ‘Deep Water’ Necklace – 2008 -  silk paper, steel net, color spray

n566803122_1580393_2909253 dans Dana BLOOM (IL)
Dana Bloom – ‘Tissue ‘ necklace – 2008 – 23k gold leaf, tissue paper, brass, gold plate

n566803122_1580389_5234387 dans Israel (IL)
Dana Bloom – ‘Tissue ‘ necklace (detail)

n566803122_1580391_3454228 dans papier / paper
Dana Bloom – ‘Tissue ‘ brooch – 2008 – 23k gold leaf, tissue paper, brass, gold plate


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