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¡ OJO ! que te estan mirando !! Ramon Puig Cuyas

Classé dans : BARCELONA,COUP DE COEUR,Espagne (ES),Ramon PUIG CUYAS (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

cette série de broches, avec ces yeux, ces regards, me font immanquablement penser aux vers de Victor Hugo « et l’oeil était dans la tombe et regardait Caïn … »

…. me font également penser à cette injonction espagnole « ¡ ojo ! » qui signifie « attention ! « 

Il faut regarder, avoir l’oeil, prêter attention …. porter un oeil …. mauvais signe ou protection ? Mise en scène de tout un jeu de miroirs des regards, qui regarde qui, qui regarde quoi ?

OJO! - Ramon Puig Cuyas-  Aspice me (mirame)- Broch, Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper, mother pearl, onyx.
Ramon Puig CuyasAspice me (mirame)- Broch, Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper, mother pearl, onyx.

le premier le dit clairement : REGARDE-MOI ! MIRAME !

Ramon Puig Cuyas’ work takes inspiration from collage techniques as a means of combining different symbols and transforming their meaning. Most of the materials used are found, non-precious elements, combined with silver. His pieces relate to his personal experiences and emotions and often tell a story. This Catalan artist has since the beginning of his career broken free from the traditional jewellery forms and concepts of his homeland. His works come from within and communicate a preciousness that goes beyond mere intrinsic value. They narrate the artist’s inner feelings and state of mind, and make use of metaphors to relate his ideas. By just looking at his pieces, one is able to « read » a story. His earlier « Journey » brooches convey the spiritual journey we go through in life and the encounters made throughout, his « Walled Gardens » series narrate closed, intimate spaces behind high walls enclosing gardens, and his latest « Imago Mundi » series endeavours to uncover ambiguity and contradiction, thus life and death, light and darkness, black and white, absence and presence, and attempts to establish a dialogue between the two extremes. The latter works seem to include less colour than his previous brightly painted pieces. They are representative of a different time and experience, and are ingrained with a conflict of feelings, that is reflected in these pieces.
série ‘Utopos’ 2007-2009

Serie UTOPOS, nº 1316
série ‘Utopos’ 2007-2009 – Brooch « Aspice et aspicior » (mirame y sere mirado), 2009. Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper, onyx, pearl

Series UTOPOS 2008 nºc1226
série ‘Utopos’ 2007-2009 -  ‘Aspice in stellae’ – broch, Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper, enamel, bone, pearl.

Serie UTOPOS, nº 1328
série ‘Utopos’ 2007-2009 -  ‘In media res’, brooch, 2009. Silver, nickel silver, plastic paper, pearl

Series UTOPOS 2009, nº 1313
série ‘Utopos’ 2007-2009 -  ‘Cursum tenere’. Broch. Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper, bone, pearl, coral.

Serie UTOPOS, nº 1325
série ‘Utopos’ 2007-2009 -Brooch « In mente », 2009. Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper on resin, pearl, mother pearl, enamel.

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