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EXPO ‘Ringkunst in Weimar’ – Galerie Ring, Weimar (DE) – 25 Juill.-12 Sept. 2010

Mit den Schmuckkünstlern Beate Klockmann und Philip Sajet eröffnet am 24. Juli um 17 Uhr die Ring Galerie in Weimar ihre diesjährige Sommerausstellung. Zur Vernissage spricht Uta Feiler, Erfurt.

EXPO 'Ringkunst in Weimar' - Galerie Ring, Weimar (DE) - 25 Juill.-12 Sept. 2010 dans Allemagne (DE) Ring-von-Beate-Klockmann
Beate Klockmann- Ring Farbig geometrisch

Beate Klockmann, 1972 in Weimar geboren, absolvierte nach einer Ausbildung zur Goldschmiedin ein Studium an der Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein in Halle. Philippe Sajet ist 1953 in Amsterdam geboren und seit nunmehr 36 Jahren als Schmuckkünstler und Goldschmied tätig. 
Die in Gold gearbeiteten Ringe von Beate Klockmann kontrastieren mit den ganz in schwarz gehaltenen Niello/Silber Ringen von Philippe Sajet. Beide Künstler lebten und arbeiteten viele Jahre in Amsterdam und sind international bekannt. Nach ihrem Umzug nach Südfrankreich hätten sie die holländische Farbigkeit gegen eine französische Geradlinigkeit eingetauscht, erklären die Galeristen.


Ring-von-Philippe-Sajet dans Beate KLOCKMANN (DE)
Philip Sajet- Ring von  aus Gold und Silber mit Niello

Beate Klockmann und Philippe Sajet zeigen in der Ring Galerie Weimar eine Gruppe von Arbeiten, die handwerklich und künstlerisch überzeugt, und den Ring als Königsdisziplin der Schmuckkunst ausweist. In einem Ring konzentriert sich der künstlerische Ausdruck auf kleinstem Raum.

Sakrale-Anmutung_Beate-Klockmann dans Exposition/Exhibition
Beate Klockmann – Ring – Sakrale Anmutung


Die Galerie Ring Weimar präsentiert Ringe von 50 internationalen Schmuckkünstlerinnen und -künstlern. In regelmäßigen Ausstellungen werden spannende Positionen der aktuellen Schmuckkunst vorgestellt. Bisherige Ausstellungen mit Daniel Kruger, Beate Eismann, Andrea Wippermann, Sabine Müller. 2010 ist noch eine Ausstellung mit Volker Atrops geplant.

Ringobjekt-von-Philippe-Sajet dans GALERIES
Philip Sajet- Brillantes Ringobjekt 




Dauer der Ausstellung mit den Ringen von Beate Klockmann und Philippe Sajet: 25. 7. bis 12. 9. 2010.
 Mi-Fr 10-18 Uhr, 
Sa 10-16 Uhr.
ring weimar, Windischenstraße 19, 99423 Weimar.



Kiff Slemmons : « Pride of Paper: Not Just Another Collection of Paper Jewelry »

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Exposition/Exhibition,Kiff SLEMMONS (US),papier / paper,USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:09

Kiff Slemmons  « Pride of Paper/Orgullo en Papel: Arte Papel Oaxaca & Kiff Slemmons »

exhibition which is taking place until July 3rd 2010 at the Chicago Cultural Center.

These pieces were designed by American artist Kiff Slemmons along with the Mexican organization Arte Papel Oaxaca, which seeks to revive the pre-Columbian tradition of making paper from indigenous natural fibers

Paper Necklaces from Arte Papel Oaxaca at the Chicago Cultural Center Photo

Paper Bracelet from Arte Papel Oaxaca at the Chicago Cultural Center Photo


Paper Necklaces from Arte Papel Oaxaca at the Chicago Cultural Center Photo

All the pieces are made from artisan paper produced with native plants such as majahua, chichicatzli and pochote, while the dyes come also from natural sources such as indigo (the photos here show the pieces before the dye process). This, of course, makes the pieces biodegradable

Paper Knot Necklace from Arte Papel Oaxaca at the Chicago Cultural Center Photo


Paper Necklace from Arte Papel Oaxaca at the Chicago Cultural Center Photo

Paper Accessories from Arte Papel Oaxaca at the Chicago Cultural Center Photo



Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington St.
Chicago, IL 60602


Sharon Vaizer « Fun ta sea »

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Israel (IL),plastiques,recup' / recycled,Sharon VAIZER (IL),VIDEO — bijoucontemporain @ 16:16

Sharon Vaizer is a 2009 Graduate of the Jewelry Design Department of Shenkar College of Engineering and Design.
Sharon’s work is influenced by the marine environment, which is characterized by incessant motion, and amorphous shapes that emerge from a multitude of moving elements and coalesce into a single whole. I just love the way she used cheap and ready made materials and transformed those basic objects into precious ones

Sharon Vaizer

sharonvaizer04 dans Israel (IL)sharonvaizer03 dans plastiques

« My work is influenced by the marine environment, which is characterized by incessant motion, and amorphous shapes that emerge from a multitude of moving elements and coalesce into a single whole.
I made use of cheap, readily available and recyclable materials – such as the simple plastic bag which has become an icon for recycling issues in Israel -  manipulating and multiplying them to test their stylistic flexibility, trying to transform base objects into precious ones, the mundane into the unexpected, common into rare.
The project consists of: a collection of inflatable swimwear – each item of which is handmade and unique; a tank-top shirt and handbag, both made of plastic bags and set with Swarovski stones; a hat, a shoulder ornament and plastic bracelets, all inspired by sea creatures, made of plastic cable-ties, shrink tubing and clothing-tag ties, and set with Swarovski stones.  Materials: ready-made industrial plastic and rubber parts, plastic bags, shrink tubing, cable-ties, brass and Swarovski stones. »

6574_105259824081_528409081_1950547_6302424_n dans recup' / recycled dans Sharon VAIZER (IL)

sharon vaizer

sharon vaizer shoulder pieceSharon Vaizer black bracelet
Sharon Vaizer  – shoulder piece & bracelet

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

COUP de COEUR ! Angela SIMONE – PAPIER aux couleurs du Sud

Classé dans : Angela SIMONE (IT),COUP DE COEUR,Italie (IT),papier / paper — bijoucontemporain @ 2:16

« Italian jewellery artist Angela Simone says she has always had a love for paper, but only recently discovered the pleasure of using it to make wearable art. She loves the fragility and the strength it offers, allowing her to make pieces that are delicate yet strong – “Working with glue makes it possible to obtain very robust paper beads that are also waterproof” she says.« (uponafold blog)


Candy inspired shapes and colours


Angela uses corrugated card and a quilling technique to create these paper beads.


« She enjoys experimenting with new materials and different papers and says that each provoke a different sensation that inspires her to create very different works. »


Angela’s work was exhibited last year at the Triennale Design Museum in Milan. Exhibition was titled Paper Jewels and it was an exhibition dedicated to jewellery made of paper from 60 designers all over the world.



COUP de … ROUGE avec Paula Lindblom – recycling !!

Paula Lindblom recycling  ‘every day life’ material on kit&caboodle ! :-) )

COUP de ... ROUGE  avec Paula Lindblom - recycling !! dans COUP DE COEUR
Paula Lindblom – ‘Every day life’ brooch – plastic can, glass beads, nylon line, brooch needle

 dans Paula LINDBLOM (SE) dans plastiques
ring – every day life material – plastic can, glass beads, nylon line

 dans recup' / recycled
brooch- every day life material – plastic can, glass beads, porcelain animal, nylon line

 dans Suede (SE)
necklace- every day life material – plastic can, glass beads, nylon line


la ROUILLE en majesté …..

Alexandra Chaney - 'tetanophobia 'Alexandra Chaney - ‘tetanophobia ‘

voir article   « Ode à la ROUILLE …. Marianne Anselin« 

« La matière qu’elle affectionne aujourd’hui, vielles cartouches, ressorts rouillés, la sécurise, même s’ils sont des déchets. Elle y voit de la beauté, voire de la préciosité, quand d’ordinaire il y a rejet. Sa timidité est dans l’air, c’est pourtant l’ambiguïté qu’elle cultive.
Éloignée des valeurs mercantiles de la joaillerie traditionnelle, Marianne place la préciosité et la rareté là où on ne les attend pas : « je les cherche dans la fragilité de la nature, dans l’action du temps en arrêtant la dégradation du fer rouillé, en utilisant des objets rebuts de notre société qui ne sont pas vides de sens mais porteurs de mémoire ». Là où certains voient imperfections, aspérités, couleurs fanées, elle perçoit comment le souffle du vent, le cliquetis de la pluie viennent à bout de l’airain, comment de l’artificiel la nature se réapproprie et fait son oeuvre. La matière est déjà en migration car « tous les éléments sont fluides. C’est une question de temps. C’est la courte durée de notre existence qui fait que nous appelons «dur» ou «mou» tel ou tel matériau. Le temps met à mal ces critères ». En intervenant, elle arrête un processus qui menait le métal à sa fin, fige l’action du temps sous la violence de sa forge et offre à porter une impalpable et pourtant bien réelle effigie du devenir, un souvenir magnifié.  “ » (Marianne ANSELIN)

Marianne Anselin - collier Mecanique 2007 Marianne ANSELIN (FR) – sautoir ‘mécanique’ – fer rouillé, graines guatemaltèque
Christoph Zellweger- Chain (1994) (detail)

Adrean Bloomard – ‘Amphora’ project/jewels (Alternatives Gallery) – corrosion due à la mer & au temps, comme d’anciennes trouvailles archeologiques ….. Bloomard – amphora brooch – oxidized copper, silver, Bloomardamphora necklace – oxidized copper, silver, enamel Bloomardamphora necklace – oxidized copper,, enamel Bloomardamphora Bracelet, oxidized copper, enamel Bloomardamphora brooch – oxidised copper

bijoux faits par la Galerie SYMBIOSE, Perpignan (Eliane Amalric et Thierry Arabia)* : Amalric et Thierry Arabia – collier rouille, perle tahiti, diamants, or, collier fils argent et or (janv 2010) Arabia- broche/pendentif  et  bague -  rouille, argent, diamants

EXPO Gal Elsa Vanier- Thierry VENDOME- Collier en or jaune, acier rouillé provenant d'un hublot, diamants et péridotsThierry VENDOME- broche 'ikebana' Or jaune. Acier rouillé. Perle de Tahiti
Thierry VENDOME- Collier – or jaune, acier rouillé provenant d’un hublot, diamants, péridots
broche ‘ikebana’ Or jaune. Acier rouillé. Perle de Tahiti

Philip Sajet  Ring: Rust  Iron, gold, niello on sîlverPhilip Sajet  Ring: Rust  Iron, gold, niello on sîlver

foto Luciano Cipullo ---------------------photofoto Luciano Cipullo ---------------------photo
Barbara Uderzocollier & bracelet ‘ruggine’ (rouille) … en chocolat !
Fabrizio Tridenti - bagues / rings
on pense (je pense !) souvent que ses bijoux sont en rouille, mais en fait il s’agit de peinture acrylique …

Stefano PedonesiStefano Pedonesi – Ring: sterling silver, oxidized copper (alors, rouille ou pas rouille ?)
Edgar Mosa - 'Di Indigetes' - rusted steel
Edgar Mosa – ‘Di Indigetes’ – rusted steel

« Relationships with time, space and objects were the focus of my attention during my time in Detroit, Michigan, USA. In an attempt to belong – as a bird makes its nest – I gathered materials that surrounded me; and searched for forms that could convey the struggle within.
Saw blades and rusty steel populated my studio, as vanitas on a still life. From them I created brooches that hung on the body like uncomfortable companions, burdens of a neglected past, that engaged a bittersweet relationship with the wearer. The pieces found their visual strength in the contrast between the delicate organic surfaces versus the sharp industrial edges » (
Edgar Mosa) Di Martino (FR) – « études » sur « l’usure »  (Projet de bijou sur le thème de » l’usure », jeu lancé par le forum « La Manufacture »)….. voilà du cuivre oxydé sans calcul (laissons agir la chimie), quelques gouttes de patine pour expérimenter…

Ingrid Ventura (Escola d'Art del Treball Barcelona)vu à JOYA Barcelona 2010 : Ingrid VENTURA – Escola d´Art del Treball

Montse Basora - (Taller Perill,Montse Basora – (Taller Perill, grupo « Joyas Sensacionales ») ‘lo perdido – lo encontrado‘ – pendant : silver, iron -2010

* galerie SYMBIOSE (Eliane Amalric et Thierry Arabia)
7 pl Gambetta
tél 04 68 34 12 59
fax 04 68 66 56 17


Bijoux made in « CACALAND » ………….. !!!

 made in « CACALAND » ………….. !!!
Je vous laisse libre à vous d’humer … la tendance !  ;-)

Bijoux made in
Märta Mattsson (SE) – ‘Oh deer’ (tan estilizada es la caca de venado que parece faceteada??) (perles du collier moulées d’après des crottes de cerf ….)
Sophie Hanagarth -  « Médaille merdeuse » 2008
Collection « Bijou sur le corps, une nature morte? » – 2000/2008 -  2 Broches Tôle d’acier (boîte de conserve), cuir, acier

Sophie Hanagarth - Vermines, broches, acier inox, fer-blanc, 2001-  -Vermins, brooch, stainlesssteel, tin can, 2001- Sophie Hanagarth - Vermines, broches, acier inox, fer-blanc/Vermins, brooch, stainlesssteel, tin can – 2001

« Extension, prolongation, parasites of the body, these jewels are a hymn of our material lives, between power, social identity and belief charge. These jewels are made of an association of popular image, highlighting the relationship with the body . Two oilcans as balls are an association of a wood nodule and the oilcan shape, connected by a wire they hang directly between the legs as a soap or lubricating boxes.«
Claire Baloge (FR) -  Camel dung, gold leaf, silk (collier en crottes de chameau … j’adore !!)

I have chosen to use camel dung, because  it’s shape and color. Although the use of camel dung in jewelry may provoke it also links: in those (not so) far-away countries, many people are still using these animals, and their excrement, in daily life, while some others, a few miles away , are smoking the cigars of the oil business. I have chosen to use gold because gold is the referential measurement on which the whole world economy is founded. It remains a major symbol for jewelry, almost everywhere around the world. While camels are traditionally emblems of the noble class, in the nomad society, a clear mark of wealth and importance. It seems to be two different temporalities, which are still sharing the same space, coexisting in the same territories.(Claire Balogeexpo ‘I care a lot’)
Frances Wadsworth Jones (UK) - collection called « Heaven Sent »  – …. yes…. Bird shit…that’s exactly what it is.   

Thomasin Durgin - crotte de chien peinte et 'décorée' !!
Thomasin Durgin – « ring_a_day challenge » – pearl and rhinestone encrusted dog poo
(crotte de chien peinte et ‘décorée’ !!)
« I found the poo and decided to put a coat of paint on it so that it would be dry for tomorrow. Then I put on two more coats of paint. Then I found the rhinestones in some old beading supplies and I was so enthralled that before I knew it the damn thing was made« 

Nicola Scholz - Necklace: Untitled 2011 - Horse Manure, gold -  yes, it's ..........Nicola Scholz - necklace- 2011 – Horse Manure, gold
Piero Manzoni in 1961 « merda d’Artista »
(merci à Christophe Burger pour sa contribution à ce post ! :-) …)

Halász Előd (HU) - HOLY SHIT  brooch Halász Előd (HU) – HOLY SHIT brooch


Galerie RA : new address ! moving to the NES

Classé dans : Gal. RA (NL),Hollande (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:09

Due to large scale renovation of the building on Vijzelstraat, in which Galerie Ra has had its gallery since 1983, Ra is relocatingto attractive new premises on the Nes in early September.
The city listed building, dating from 1907, with a façade typical of the period, will provide space for Ra’s changing exhibition programme, permanent collection and specialised bookshop. The move will give renewed vigour to all kinds of new initiatives planned for the gallery.
The Nes is right in the centre of Amsterdam and runs parallel to Rokin, one of the city’s major streets. It is home to several theatres and has many cafés and restaurants. In the immediate
vicinity is the Allard Pierson Museum; the Special Collections (of the University Library); Grimburgwal, lined with jewellery shops, as well as Jan Jansen Shoes and Droog design.
Up until the end of July, you are still warmly invited to the Vijzelstraat, where recent works by Lam de Wolf are on view,among others. In August Galerie Ra will be closed the entire month for the relocation. It opens its doors again on Nes in mid-September, in festive mood, ready to meet the next decade!
The opening date, opening exhibition and other gallery events will be announced in August in an online newsletter. Please let us know if you prefer to have a printed version sent by post.
We look forward to keeping you informed!
Paul Derrez and the Ra team


 Galerie RA
Vijzelstraat 80,
1017 EF Amsterdam, Nederland,
Tel 020 626 5100,
Fax 020 620 4595
Open: di t/m za 12-18 uur 

Floor Mommersteeg, tout en « delicatessen »

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Floor MOMMERSTEEG (NL),Hollande (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:01

Floor Mommersteeg (NL)- Comme du sucre filé pour créer des douceurs aériennes aux couleurs de bonbons acidulés. Malgré les noms, parfois, -’stones’-, c’est léger, léger, léger, aérien, plus en déliés qu’en pleins ….

« Floor Mommersteeg melts and flattens nylon thread and makes from this transparent structures: rings, brooches and vessels, opaque or in myste-rious fading  »

Floor Mommersteegnecklace
Floor Mommersteegcollier « stones »
Floor Mommersteegbroches ‘stone’
Floor Mommersteegbroche & ring
Floor Mommersteegbroche

Floor Mommersteegbroche


Myung Urso – sculptural jewelry forms, between metal and fiber

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Myung URSO (S.KR),www dailyartmuse — bijoucontemporain @ 0:49

« The South Korea native stitches together the best of her history, education and life experience, carefully pairing materials like cotton and sterling silver or loofah and pearls. Myung URSO ’s jewelry has been exhibited in prestigious shows around the country, including the Philadelphia Museum Craft Show and SOFA NY.«  (DailyArtMuse)

Myung URSObrooch ‘Korea‘ – silk, thread, oriental ink, lacquer, chrysoprase, sterling silver – 2008

« My artistic imagination transforms itself from life and nature. Painterly and sculptural jewelry forms convey personal stories and memories from life. The forms rendered through collaboration between metal and fiber reflects my interest for abstracting from nature. I challenge myself to emphasize the special characteristics and beauty of materials while expanding the boundaries in creating an original identity for my jewelry art form.« (Myung URSO , South Korea)

Myung Urso - sculptural jewelry forms, between metal and fiber dans COUP DE COEUR 44536_1565538182033_1342740406_1549217_8292628_n
Myung URSONeckpiece-Crest, one the most recent pieces… 2010
Myung URSO - ‘Tempo‘, silk, oriental ink, acrylic paint, sterling silver, thread, lacquer

« Calligraphy and sewing serve as my fundamental techniques, which I have practiced throughout my lifetime.  I also found that my elderly mother’s traditional way for the preparation of food, such as the shaping of rice cake and arranging vegetables for winter storage, combined with my previous work experience as a reporter and curator for art and craft have shaped my own interpretation of contemporary jewelry. » (Myung Urso)
Myung URSO  - ‘Sky and Mountain’ brooch – cotton, oriental ink, sterling silver
Myung URSO - Trace, silk, oriental ink, acrylic paint, sterling silver, thread, lacquer
Myung URSO - ‘Tide’ necklace, cotton, oriental ink, acrylic paint, sterling silver, thread, lacquer 2009

Myung URSO  - necklace ‘Infinity’ 2008 – silk, thread, sterling silver

Myung URSO  necklace ‘Infinity’   – detail
Myung URSO  - “Combination” neckpiece
Myung URSO  - Neckpiece ‘touch me not’




Coming exhibitions :
October – Snyderman-Work Galleries, Philadelphia, PA
November – Philadelphia Museum Art & Craft show, Philadelphia, PA
Novemeber – Washington Craft Show, Washington DC
November – SOFA Expo, Chicago, Charon Kransen Arts, Chicago, IL


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