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Bijoux made in « CACALAND » ………….. !!!

 made in « CACALAND » ………….. !!!
Je vous laisse libre à vous d’humer … la tendance !  ;-)

Bijoux made in
Märta Mattsson (SE) – ‘Oh deer’ (tan estilizada es la caca de venado que parece faceteada??) (perles du collier moulées d’après des crottes de cerf ….)
Sophie Hanagarth -  « Médaille merdeuse » 2008
Collection « Bijou sur le corps, une nature morte? » – 2000/2008 -  2 Broches Tôle d’acier (boîte de conserve), cuir, acier

Sophie Hanagarth - Vermines, broches, acier inox, fer-blanc, 2001-  -Vermins, brooch, stainlesssteel, tin can, 2001- Sophie Hanagarth - Vermines, broches, acier inox, fer-blanc/Vermins, brooch, stainlesssteel, tin can – 2001

« Extension, prolongation, parasites of the body, these jewels are a hymn of our material lives, between power, social identity and belief charge. These jewels are made of an association of popular image, highlighting the relationship with the body . Two oilcans as balls are an association of a wood nodule and the oilcan shape, connected by a wire they hang directly between the legs as a soap or lubricating boxes.«
Claire Baloge (FR) -  Camel dung, gold leaf, silk (collier en crottes de chameau … j’adore !!)

I have chosen to use camel dung, because  it’s shape and color. Although the use of camel dung in jewelry may provoke it also links: in those (not so) far-away countries, many people are still using these animals, and their excrement, in daily life, while some others, a few miles away , are smoking the cigars of the oil business. I have chosen to use gold because gold is the referential measurement on which the whole world economy is founded. It remains a major symbol for jewelry, almost everywhere around the world. While camels are traditionally emblems of the noble class, in the nomad society, a clear mark of wealth and importance. It seems to be two different temporalities, which are still sharing the same space, coexisting in the same territories.(Claire Balogeexpo ‘I care a lot’)
Frances Wadsworth Jones (UK) - collection called « Heaven Sent »  – …. yes…. Bird shit…that’s exactly what it is.   

Thomasin Durgin - crotte de chien peinte et 'décorée' !!
Thomasin Durgin – « ring_a_day challenge » – pearl and rhinestone encrusted dog poo
(crotte de chien peinte et ‘décorée’ !!)
« I found the poo and decided to put a coat of paint on it so that it would be dry for tomorrow. Then I put on two more coats of paint. Then I found the rhinestones in some old beading supplies and I was so enthralled that before I knew it the damn thing was made« 

Nicola Scholz - Necklace: Untitled 2011 - Horse Manure, gold -  yes, it's ..........Nicola Scholz - necklace- 2011 – Horse Manure, gold
Piero Manzoni in 1961 « merda d’Artista »
(merci à Christophe Burger pour sa contribution à ce post ! :-) …)

Halász Előd (HU) - HOLY SHIT  brooch Halász Előd (HU) – HOLY SHIT brooch

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