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EXPO ‘Gemma Draper’ – Galleri Hnoss, Goteborg (Suede) – 4-26 Sept. 2010

Classé dans : BARCELONA,Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Hnoss (SE),Gemma DRAPER (ES),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:18

 Galleri Hnoss proudly presents Gemma Draper, jewellery artist from Barcelona. We start on friday 3rd at 17:00 with a lecture with Gemma Draper, and the opening of her exhibition

EXPO 'Gemma Draper' - Galleri Hnoss, Goteborg (Suede) - 4-26 Sept. 2010 dans BARCELONA gemma%20draper15_img6618

Gemma Draper playfully explores her own fascination for ideas and concepts, creating physical objects with a unique sensitivity to their own world. The philosophical approach towards her own creations adds to her expression, often commenting on the problem of interpreting something out of reality. Or, as she puts it, « When we want to illuminate reality, aren’t we imposing, precisely, a disproportion that burns it? »

Gemma was born in 1971. Among her academic merits she holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Master of Fine Arts at Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, USA, besides being a graduate from famed school Massana in Barcelona. She has previously displayed her work at solo exhibitions in Stockholm, Munich, Amsterdam, Helsinki and Barcelona. She also teaches and holds lectures across the world.

In the exhibition at galleri Hnoss Gemma will show pieces from her latest projects « The floating knot » and « The nuptial suite »
The exhibition remains until 26 Sept – Friday 3 sept Lecture with Gemma Draper House 8 kl 17 An arrangement by Galleri Hnoss – gallery for international jewelley art together with HDK- School of Design and Crafts.View of the exhibition in the gallery kl 18 – 20

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« I whish to explore the kind of objects that need the intervention of the wearer to be completed and to become ornaments for his/her body. The object asks to be defined by offering a bunch of uneven possibilities. You are invited to respond by activating your attention and bumping into strangeness and unexpected joy« 



Galleri Hnoss
Konstepidemins Väg 6
413 14 Göteborg, Sweden
Phone +46 (0)31 410919
Fax +46 31 828568
Opening hours:
Wed–Thur 12–17, Fri–Sun 12–16
Öppet: ons–tors 12–17, fre–sön 12–16

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