JOYA Barcelona 2010 – EXPO ‘King Kong Jewels’ – Klimt02 Gallery, Barcelona (Spain) – 16-17-18 Sept 2010
King Kong Jewels ……… bijoux pour HOMME
(Ils ne manquent pas d’humour ! )Klimt02 Gallery presenta para JOYA 2010 una selección de piezas escogidas especialmente para el hombre.
Benjamin Lignel - ‘Thinking of You (Felix) » – Brooch
Tore Svensson - neckpiece – steel, silver plated
Fritz Maierhofer (Austria, 1941), Benjamin Lignel (Francia, 1972), Alexander Heuser (Alemania, 1978), Tore Svensson (Suecia, 1948), Ted Noten (Holanda, 1956), Marc Monzó (España, 1978), Jiro Kamata (Japón, 1978), Pavel Herynek (República Checa, 1960), Claude Schmitz (Luxemburgo, 1972) y Alexander Blank (Alemania, 1975) son todos ellos artistas cuyas obras aportan inteligencia, delicadeza, fuerza y sofisticación a la joyería masculina.
¿Acaso King Kong no hubiese llevado un collar con las iniciales A.D.?
De la colección the Beauty and the Best, klimt02 2010.
Fritz Maierhofer – ring – silver, acrylic
Pavel Herynek - brooch , necklace & ring
Alexander Blank - pendant ‘Tank’- Bed linen, silver, plastic
Marc Monzó – ‘big solitaire’ brooch
Ted Noten – ring ‘Avondvlinder’ Titanium black
KLIMT02 Gallery
The Art Jewellery Space in Barcelona
Corsega 317
Barcelona (Spain)
M° Diagonal
+34 933 687 235
« Leo Caballero and Amador Bertomeu, both from Barcelona, met in the late 90s while sharing a studio-workshop. In 2003 they began the on-line website, Klimt02 which has become the go-to website for all matters that involve art jewelry worldwide. Last year (2008) they opened a gallery space in Barcelona. At this year’s SNAG conference in Philadelphia, Leo gave an informative lecture about the web and its relation to art jewelry. He also attended an informal lunch and discussion with AJF members who were on the Philadelphia trip hosted by Velvet da Vinci owners Elizabeth Shypertt and Mike Holmes.« (AJF Interview 2009)