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Rencontre mensuelle : le “DIT du Bijou” – dimanche 26 Sept. à partir de 18H – Paris (11ème)

Classé dans : DIT du Bijou,EVENEMENT / Type of EVENT,France (FR),PARIS,Reflexion — bijoucontemporain @ 19:49


 *Vous pouvez lire le compte-rendu du « dit du bijou N° 3 » à la page suivante:


Triple happiness : live jewellery, chatroom with canapés, Paris, France, ze world

Après la pause estivale, les « dit du bijou » reprennent!
Lors du dit du Bijou N°2, nous avons donc débattu de savoir comment améliorer la visibilité du bijou contemporain. Le constat de Bruno Sanchez qui nous a écouté patiemment est que nous devons
* Améliorer la pédagogie pour élargir notre public
* Revisiter les circuits de distribution
* Etre plus contemporains dans nos modes de diffusion.

Pour approfondir, nous vous convions donc au Dit du bijou – nº3

Pour ceux qui n’y auraient encore jamais participé, il s’agit de se donner rendez-vous une fois par mois pour se voir, échanger des informations et discuter d’un sujet particulier.

Tous ceux qui s’intéressent de près au bijou sont les bienvenus, praticiens et pratiquants, ainsi que ceux qui s’y intéressent de plus loin: historiens, commissaires, journalistes, chercheurs etc… 

Rencontre mensuelle : le “DIT du Bijou” - dimanche 26 Sept. à partir de 18H - Paris (11ème) dans DIT du Bijou dialogue_on_art

Prochain rendez-vous:  le dimanche 26 sept. à partir de 18H  (le débat commencera à 19H30)Autour d’un verre de vin accompagné d’une tartine de terrine

La Table D’Aligre
11 place d’Aligre
Paris 75012
tel : 01 43 07 84 88

A part les infos à échanger (compet, foire, expos… ), la discussion proposée pour cette 3eme édition est la suivante :

Benchmarking: communication évenementielle


Le principe est que chacun arrive avec une idée, un exemple d’évènement, de présentation, qui pourrait renouveler les modes de présentation que nous utilisons habituellement.


Pour assister à ce rendez-vous, il vous suffit d’appeler le restaurant le dimanche matin au plus tard pour signaler votre présence.

PAF 5 euros (supplément vin 5 euros)
Brune BOYER (06 81 01 91 62) & Benjamin Lignel (06 17 88 73 83)


After the holidays’ pause, the confidential, underground parisian and artisan get-together “Dit du Bijou” will kick off again, on a monthly basis : its aim is to exchange updates on the state of jewellery world affairs, and discuss a given theme.
You are extremely welcome if you are directly concerned with jewellery – and just as extremely welcome if you are less directly concerned with it (historians, curators, journalists, and their dentist, baker and astronaut friends will be given an extra helping of red wine to feel comfortable).

The next meeting is     Sunday sept. 26th

from 18h00 onwards (the themed discussion will start at 19h30)
A glass of wine and a portion of terrine will be exchanged against your completely voluntary contribution of 5 euros (5euros more for wine)

the place:

La Table D’Aligre
11 place d’Aligre
Paris 75012
tel : 01 43 07 84 88

Nearest tube: Faidherbe Chaligny.
Nearest Airport: Paris Orly
Nearest contemporary jewellery gallery : Hélène Porée, rue de l’Odéon

Aside from the info bulletin (please come with an update on what you are up to : we want to know), the discussion that was chosen for this third encounter is the following:

Benchmarking : how to communicate

If you want to come, please call the restaurant on the Sunday morning at the latest to confirm your presence. They need to kill the scapegoats and stew the rabbits for the terrine, you see.

Brune Boyer (06 81 01 91 62)/ Benjamin Lignel  (06 17 88 73 83)

EXPO ‘Serendipity’ – Galerie Reverso, Lisbonne (Portugal) – 18 sept 2010

International group « IGOJA » of 6 artists


EXPO ‘Serendipity’ - Galerie Reverso, Lisbonne (Portugal) - 18 sept 2010 dans Birgit LAKEN (NL) reverso


Galeria Reverso
R. da Esperança 59/61
1200-655 – Lisbon
Telephone: +351 213 951 407

EXPO ‘aka jewellery’ – Falkenbergs Museum (Sweden) – 11 Sept.-27 Nov. 2010

« Also known as jewelery«  *
17 contemporary French artists
* A project of Christian Alandete & Benjamin Lignel for la Garantie, Association pour le Bijou

EXPO 'aka jewellery' - Falkenbergs Museum (Sweden) - 11 Sept.-27 Nov. 2010  dans Amandine MEUNIER (FR) afficheakajfalkenberg1


Claire Baloge, Babette Boucher, Brune Boyer-Pellerej, Frédéric Braham, Monika Brugger, Carole Deltenre, Joanne Grimonprez, Sophie Hanagarth, Ulrike Kämpfert, Emmanuel Lacoste, Catherine Le Gal, Florence Lehmann, Christophe Marguier, Amandine Meunier, Jana Natier, Nathalie Perret , Maud Traon

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Nathalie Perret- Paliceder, necklace 2007


Entitled Also known as jewelery * by French curators Christian Alandete & Benjamin Lignel shows how the participants jewelry artists choose a critical approach to art history, jewelry and crafts traditions. They invite us out from other disciplines such as anthropology, philosophy, film and architecture, questioning the conventional definition of jewelry.Nathalie Perret necklace with plaster powder leaves a shadow on the necklace and the clothes we wear are the shade. Babette Bouchers work revolves around time and memories often based on found objects as a toy or a fragment of a photo. The lost toy has been a sarcophagus and affects the feeling of regret that we can easily recognize. Amandine Meuniers necklace with intricate designs taken from the doors she had seen on his travels is cut in inner tubes – beautiful and sensual.

Other artists raise questions about gender roles and sexuality that Carole Deltenre with his necklace made up of girls respectively boy toys in plastic. In Frédéric Braham projects Cosmetics is a shift.  It is not the user who is attractive but beauty aids become coveted items in the form of natural-looking lipstick, eyeliner and powder box in silver and gold.

Also know as jewelery * has been shown in galleries and museums in the United States and Europe.

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Babette Boucher- Sarcophagus 2007 -  jet and found object

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Amandine Meunier- ‘Roads never travel’ necklace, 2007-08 – rubber hose

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Carole Deltenre- Necklace – plastic toys -2007

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Ulrike Kampfert, « Silver Thistle » Brooch 

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Christophe Marguier, « Esperance de vie de la femme », Necklace 

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Catherine Le Gal, « Under Over » & « Souvenir » Brooches

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Monika Brugger, « Marianne as roberts » Brooch

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Joanne Grimonprez, « Bernicks » Brooch  (photos Galerie Velvet da Vinci)

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Emmanuel Lacoste, « Langues » Tongue Jewels

All images from also known as jewelry at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Jana Natier, « Barbie » Necklace 

EXPO ‘Christoph Zellweger: Incredibles’ – Galerie ViceVersa, Lausanne (CH) – 10 Sept.-21 Nov. 2010

« Most of what we see around us has been shaped by ‘man’; it has been cultivated, bred, transplanted or simply made. The ‘INCREDIBLES’ series focuses on the human body as a construction-site in order to explore the uncanny but also spectacular side of medical body modification and it toys with its psychological implications.
The feeling of estrangement and fragility of the contemporary individual are central issues in my work. I reflect on the many factors that are challenging contemporary living and how they affect the construction of identity and perceptions around the self. My work discusses the body as a place for social rituals and non-verbal communication (life extension, penis extension, chemical control of body and mind…) and touches upon issues that arise when aesthetics meets ethics. » (Christoph Zellweger)

Christoph Zellweger 'Incredibles'

  »Christoph Zellweger, born 1962, graduated from the Royal College of Art, London, in 1993. In 2007 he published Foreign Bodies (Actar, Barcelona/NY), which extends the definition of body adornment today. Besides running his Zürich-based atelier and exhibiting internationally, his work features in museums such as FNAC Fonds National d’s Art Contemporain, Paris; MIMA Institute of Modern Art, Middlesborough / Contemporary Art Society, London / British Crafts Council, London; MKG, Hamburg; MAK, Frankfurt; MUDAC, Lausanne; Museé National Suisse, Zürich; and private collections in Europe and in North America. Beside other prizes in England, Belgium and Germany, he won the Prix Fédéraux des Arts Appliqués, three times. »,%20Body_Support_B2.jpg
Christoph Zellweger – ‘phoca thumb’


Galerie Viceversa bijoux contemporains
Place Saint François 2, 2ét.
7698 – Lausanne
Telephone: +41.21.323 96 34

Cette exposition a lieu à L’Annexe, Rue de la Mercerie 9 à Lausanne
en parallèle à ‘Des Seins à Dessein‘ qui se tient au Musée Arlaud durant la même période

JOYA Barcelona 2010 – 16-17-18 sept 2010

JOYA – Semana de la Joyeria Contemporanea de Barcelona (Esp.) / Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery week

EXPO Joya 2010

JOYA Barcelona 2010  - 16-17-18 sept 2010 dans Andrea PINEROS (FR) showroom :
Michael Berger (Alemania, 1966)
Florence Croisier (Francia, 1965)
Marijke de Goey (Holanda, 1947)
Cilmara de Oliveira (Brasil, 1955)
Petr Dvorak (Austria, 1954)
Sara Engberg (Suecia, 1969)
Maki Kawawa (Japón, 1986)
Claudia Lassner (Alemania, 1982)
Yannick Mur (Francia, 1963)
Taisuke Nakada (Japón, 1983)
Liana Pattihis (Reino Unido, 1961)
Andrea Piñeros (Francia, 1972)

62842_1580243154893_1500099122_1437443_2695647_n dans BARCELONA
Petr DVORAK – collier ‘Europe’  – 27 perles de verre (les 27 états européens) avec inclusions de grenats

62842_1580243194894_1500099122_1437444_3104273_n dans Cilmara de OLIVEIRA (Brasil)
Yannick MUR – pendentif OH! – un délicat et minutieux travail de broderie d’argent et au fil d’or 18 carat

61283_1580241194844_1500099122_1437433_2616933_n dans Claudia LASSNER (DE)
Cilmara de OLIVEIRA – motifs de dentelle imprimée sur argent oxydé

61283_1580241354848_1500099122_1437437_950621_n dans Espagne (ES)
Maki KAWAWA (JP) – textil jewelry


(Plus les bijoux des créateurs présentés par les galeries DTerra, La Basilica et Klimt02)

62842_1580242954888_1500099122_1437438_3080082_n dans EVENEMENT / Type of EVENT
Nora ROCHEL – bagues (à galerie La Basilica)

JOYA’s goal is to promote national and international artists through distribution and
communication; supporting contemporary jewellery design and helping its growth in a hardly
exploited market. Moreover, JOYA is a platform for artists’ interaction, sharing of experiences, and discussion of their common issues – the place for exchange among artists, press, distributors and audience.
JOYA offers the designers a comfortable space and pleasant environment to make contacts and exhibit their pieces. Since the subject of the event changes each edition, the artists are supplied by basic and flexible furniture (table, chairs and lighting) that can easily be adopted according their own needs.

The registration is free and all entries must be submitted from February 15th, 2010 to May 30th, 2010. No entries out of deadline will be accepted.


Convent dels Àngels (FAD),
Av. Diagonal 313, 3B
08009  Barcelona (Spain)
Tel. +34 93 459 2406
Mobile (+34) 619 83 70 69
Paulo Ribeiro
Anthony Chevallier

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

Video JOYA 2009


Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot