JOYA Barcelona 2010 – 16-17-18 sept 2010
JOYA – Semana de la Joyeria Contemporanea de Barcelona (Esp.) / Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery week
Michael Berger (Alemania, 1966)
Florence Croisier (Francia, 1965)
Marijke de Goey (Holanda, 1947)
Cilmara de Oliveira (Brasil, 1955)
Petr Dvorak (Austria, 1954)
Sara Engberg (Suecia, 1969)
Maki Kawawa (Japón, 1986)
Claudia Lassner (Alemania, 1982)
Yannick Mur (Francia, 1963)
Taisuke Nakada (Japón, 1983)
Liana Pattihis (Reino Unido, 1961)
Andrea Piñeros (Francia, 1972)
Petr DVORAK – collier ‘Europe’ – 27 perles de verre (les 27 états européens) avec inclusions de grenats
Yannick MUR – pendentif OH! – un délicat et minutieux travail de broderie d’argent et au fil d’or 18 carat
Cilmara de OLIVEIRA – motifs de dentelle imprimée sur argent oxydé
Maki KAWAWA (JP) – textil jewelry
(Plus les bijoux des créateurs présentés par les galeries DTerra, La Basilica et Klimt02)
Nora ROCHEL – bagues (à galerie La Basilica)
JOYA’s goal is to promote national and international artists through distribution and
communication; supporting contemporary jewellery design and helping its growth in a hardly
exploited market. Moreover, JOYA is a platform for artists’ interaction, sharing of experiences, and discussion of their common issues – the place for exchange among artists, press, distributors and audience.
JOYA offers the designers a comfortable space and pleasant environment to make contacts and exhibit their pieces. Since the subject of the event changes each edition, the artists are supplied by basic and flexible furniture (table, chairs and lighting) that can easily be adopted according their own needs.
The registration is free and all entries must be submitted from February 15th, 2010 to May 30th, 2010. No entries out of deadline will be accepted.
Convent dels Àngels (FAD),
Av. Diagonal 313, 3B
08009 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel. +34 93 459 2406
Mobile (+34) 619 83 70 69
Paulo Ribeiro
Anthony Chevallier
Video JOYA 2009