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EXPO ‘Mirjam Hiller – The Graphics to her Jewellery’ – Galerie Pilartz, Cologne (DE) – Sept. 2010

Mirjam Hiller : The Graphics to her Jewellery

As of now the gallery shows not only jewellery by Mirjam Hiller, but also her graphics that go along with it. These prints show the patterns from which her jewellery arises. They document quite impressively that the artist shapes her jewellery from one piece as foreseen in her “construction plan”.

EXPO 'Mirjam Hiller - The Graphics to her Jewellery' - Galerie Pilartz, Cologne (DE) - Sept. 2010 dans Allemagne (DE) Mirjam_Hiller_16
Mirjam Hiller Drumonia – brooch – stainless steel powdercoating, titanium

Mirjam Hiller on her creative process: “At first there is a thought, a very vivid, three-dimensional thought of a form, a room that I can go into. I explore it and let it enchant me. I would like to grasp and experience it over and over again.
The form is very complex, built of different colours, structures, shapes and scents and depending from where I look, everything changes.
I have to make decisions, reduce it to the essentials and find a way for a logical realization in order to give the construct of my thoughts, which is by no means logical, a place in this world of tangible things. I focus myself on one kind of material, one colour; everything else distracts me and redirects my thoughts. I capture the three-dimensional form that spreads out in front of my inner eye, unfold it to the second dimension, sketch it and cut it out with the awareness that every cut is a final one.”

web_abwicklung_mavalis dans COUP DE COEUR
Mirjam HillerMavalis (1/5), 2010, digital pigment printing, 25x32cm

The cut out drawing lies in front of me,
one flat piece,
my unfolded thought.
I bend and fold it to the third dimension.
I’m excited to see if it really grows the way that I’ve imagined.
I enter the room again,
half in thoughts, half in reality.

web_abwicklung_pyremina dans Exposition/Exhibition
Mirjam HillerPyremina (1/5), 2010, digital pigment printing, 25x32cm

Mirjam_Hiller_13 dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)
Mirjam HillerPhytenia – brooch – stainless steel powdercoating, titanium

The juxtaposition of graphics and jewellery creates an extraordinary tension. Even if seen independently from the jewellery pieces that grow from them, the graphics emanate something autonomous, mysterious and leave a lot of room for the imagination.
Its viewers come up with very different and intuitive associations: Are they motifs of Australian Aborigines? Are they drawings used to classify plants? Medical illustrations? Machinery construction plans? A city in a bird’s eye view?
The graphics, from which her jewellery results, show very nicely how Mirjam Hiller’s thoughts on jewellery “unfold”.

hiller_brosche_xynema dans [Gal. Pilartz (DE)](CLOSED)
Mirjam Hiller – brooch - Xynema - 2009, stainless steel, powdercoating


Mirjam HillerWynepha (1/5), 2010, digital pigment printing, 25x32cm

 Mirjam HillerWynepha (1/5), 2010, digital pigment printing, 25x32cm

Mirjam Hiller - Catopsia – brooch – stainless steel powdercoating, titanium



Galerie Pilartz
Zeughausstraße 10
D-50667 Cologne
Tel +49 (0)221-168 268 77



EXPO ‘Volker Atrops – Hello Goodbye’ – Galerie Pilartz, Cologne (DE) – 12 Sept.-23 Oct. 2010

EXPO 'Volker Atrops - Hello Goodbye' - Galerie Pilartz, Cologne (DE) - 12 Sept.-23 Oct. 2010 dans Allemagne (DE) t-volkeratrops-e

« As of now Volker Atrops has occupied himself with jewellery for 25 years. What started with picked to pieces rosaries and fishhooks was imperceptibly transformed by a classic goldsmith and art academy education. Along with sketches, photos and books we show the often very simple jewellery works and are looking forward to your curiosity.
A pleasurable voyage into the surprising world of art of Volker Atrops. »

puppe dans Exposition/Exhibition
Necklace, green and red plastic materials, 1996

“I love jewellery, it’s like the plague.
Since I’ve been 16 I live with this malady, it’s embarrassing. I try to keep away from other invalids and keep on going as if nothing ever happened. A lot of sputum has been emitted in the meantime.” (
Volker Atrops)

anarchaingr dans Volker ATROPS (DE)
 Volker AtropsAnarchain – silver – 1995 (diameter ~ 40 cm)



LogoAdresse_e dans [Gal. Pilartz (DE)](CLOSED)



Gallery Pilartz
Zeughausstrasse 10
D-50667 – Cologne
Telephone: +49 (0)221-168 268 77



COUP de …. BLUES avec Märta MATTSSON

Classé dans : Marta MATTSSON (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 1:14

Märta MATTSSON : « Through manipulating the process of electroforming and carving in semi precious stones I have created jewellery hybrids : ‘Animal rocks’  »

COUP de .... BLUES  avec Märta MATTSSON dans Marta MATTSSON (SE) IMG_4371
Märta Mattsson - Pendant – Electroformed copper, lacquer, oxidized silver, semi precious stone

IMG_4291 dans Suede (SE)
Märta Mattsson - brooch – Electroformed copper, resin, lacquer, semi precious stone, steel

Märta Mattsson -Russian Dancers’ Brooch – ‘The Human Touch’ - Copper electroformed crickets, silver, lacquer


« The Human Touch was the first project given to us at Royal College of Art. I choose to focus on how humans play with nature. I was playing my own game with materials taken from nature and creating my own evolutions. »

Märta Mattsson - Beetlemouse Brooch – The Human Touch’ – Silver electroforming, beetle wings, resin

Märta Mattsson - bracelet- Plexiglas, citrines, rubber cord, oxidized silver -
pieces made during my bachelor degree in jewellery art at HDK School of Design and Crafts in Göteborg, Rhode Island School of Design in Providence and Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry in Tokyo.




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