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Concours Preziosa Young 2011 – Deadline : 30 october 2010


On-line Application Form

Le Arti Orafe, since 1985 Contemporary Jewellery School in Firenze, in cooperation with inhorgenta 2011, is glad to announces the Fourth edition of PREZIOSA YOUNG, International context/exhibition for young goldsmith/artists selected for their individual research and for the originality of their creations.

The exhibition does not have a predetermined theme but the works put forward must be outstanding in terms of research into form and technique and display continuity and coherence in that research. The items of jewellery may be created in any material

Worldwide goldsmiths, designers, artists, may submit their candidature for PREZIOSA YOUNG, provided that they are not older than 35 years at the end of 2011
The on- line application must be submitted, on October 30th 2010, at latest.

Please note that all the entries, texts and images must be uploaded in a single web ession, without the possibility of subsequent amendments. It is advisable to open the registration page, take note of the requested material, carefully prepare the images and texts, and then start the on-line enrolment.

All the text and captions must be redacted in English. Registration should NOT be send by post or mail.

The exhibition of the selected artists will take place at PREZIOSA 2011, summer 2011, in Florence, and then at Inhorgenta 2012 (February 2012).
The organizers could also plan other exhibitions during this period: the selected artists are committed to deliver their work to all the scheduled shows.
Catalogue A catalogue will be published for the exhibition: selected artists will be asked to send us new images with appropriate definition.

Please note that the images submitted with the enrolment form can be used for dvertising and press purposes.

The selection will be conducted in two phases. The first choice will be made hrough the photographic material sent by the participants, whereas participants who pass the first selection will be asked to submit one of their items for the jury to make the second selection.
The final selection and the announcement of selected artists will be done during Inhorgenta 2011, where the international jury will have the final meeting.
As soon as the jury will have taken its decision, the winners will have the instruction for the shipment oftheir items. Each selected participant must present 5 pieces for the exhibition.

Shipment of the pieces
The shipping costs for the selected pieces from the origin to Firenze must be paid by the submitters.
It is up to the artists to decide whether to insure and/or send their pieces by registered mail.

Shipment from Firenze back to the origin will be paid by the organization.

Entries from non-EU countries
We will not accept any shipments for the receipt or return of which customs, taxes or other charges must be paid. To send pieces customs-free from non-EU countries, we suggest to use a Carnet A.T.A., which you can obtain from the Chamber of Commerce in your country.
Please note that it may take some time for the Chamber of Commerce to issue this Carnet A.T.A.
All the pieces will be insured by the organization during the exhibitions, in Italy, in Munich, and other locations that may be identified


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