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EXPO ‘Kristi Paap’ – Galleri Hnoss, Göteborg (SE) – 2-24 Oct. 2010

Galleri Hnoss is proud to present the Estonian jewellery artist Kristi Paap.

Kristi Paap has exhibited at many places in the world as part of the artist group FFFF and as an individual artist. At Hnoss we will show her latest works « Blades of grass is only a moment » and « A room with a view ».

Blades of grass is only a moment is inspired by fantasies and recollections from the artists childhood cherry orchard. The memories of flower buds and roots is manifested in jewellery made of plexi glass and wood. The impermanence in the living is opposed, transformed and immortalised into new materials and shapes.

In the series A room with a view Kristi Paap is investigating what you in general terms might call the sound of nature, such as the drone of insects, leaves rustling in the wind and waves lapping against the shore. The jewellery in this series is a part of natures low-key sound or loud silence, and makes a quiet noise when put into motion.

To Kristi Paap’s webpage

EXPO 'Kristi Paap' - Galleri Hnoss, Göteborg (SE) - 2-24 Oct. 2010 dans Estonie (EE) 62133_128741603844483_100001259312201_182750_7262929_n
Kristi Paap, ‘Second view’ Brooch – Cherry wood, paint, thread, silver – 2010
Kristi Paap – brooch ‘Fifth view’ – Damson wood, apple wood, paint, copper, silver – 2010

62133_128741610511149_100001259312201_182751_1239284_n dans Exposition/Exhibition
Kristi Paap – ‘Red circle’ Brooch – Plexiglass, paint, silver – 2008
Kristi Paap
Kristi Paap - Brooch ‘Garden’ -  cherry wood, paint, thread, silver – 2009


Kristi Paap gives an OPEN LECTURE (English) on OCT 1st
« Kulturnatta » Gröna rummet, Blå Huset, at 19.00
Admission free
The exhibition at Galleri hnoss will be open during Kulturnatta, until 23:00.


Galleri Hnoss
Konstepidemins väg 6
413 14 Göteborg
Tel 031410919

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