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EXPO ‘Andrea Wagner – The Arquitect who Faced His Jardin Interieur’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarch, Montreal (Québec) – 30 Sept.-24 Oct. 2010

Classé dans : Andrea WAGNER (NL),Canada (CA),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Noel Guyomarch (Qb) — bijoucontemporain @ 20:31

Andrea Wagner – The Arquitect who Faced His Jardin Interieur

EXPO gal Noel Guyomarch



EXPO 'Andrea Wagner - The Arquitect who Faced His Jardin Interieur' - Galerie Noel Guyomarch, Montreal (Québec) - 30 Sept.-24 Oct. 2010  dans Andrea WAGNER (NL) image15121
‘Aquaductus’ – Broche en argent, ammonite de Sibérie, porcelain, polyester, peinture, résine synthétique / Brooch in silver, Siberian ammonite, bone china porcelain, paint, polyester , synthetic resin

image15061 dans Canada (CA)
‘Olympic Terraces’ – Broche en argent et porcelaine/Brooch in silver and bone china porcelain

image15011 dans Exposition/Exhibition
‘Golden Caviar Lounge’ – Broche en argent, porcelaine, verre, résine synthétique / Brooch in silver, bone china porcelain, glass, synthetic resin


image27901 dans Gal. Noel Guyomarch (Qb)
‘Cellinsula’ -Broche en argent, citrine, porcelaine, verre, résine synthétique/Brooch in silver, citrine, bone china porcelain, verre,  synthetic resin


‘Iles Flottantes’ – Broche en argent, porcelaine, carneol, verre, peinture, résine synthétique / Brooch in silver, bone china porcelain, carneol, glass, paint, synthetic resin

‘Silo Towers Mirrored in Agatha’s Pond’ – Broche en argent, porcelaine, perles, jade d’Afghanistan, agate du Botswana, verre, résine/Brooch in silver, bone china porcelain, pearls, Afghan jade, Botswana agate, glass, resin


‘Jodhpur’ -Broche en argent, porcelaine, citrine, verre, polyester, résine synthétique/Brooch in silver, bone china porcelain, citrine, glass, polyester, synthetic resin


‘Green Sprawl Through The ‘Burbs’ ‘-Broche en argent, jade, porcelaine, os, verre, résine synthétique / Brooch in silver,jade, bone china porcelain, bone, glass, synthetic resin

‘The Milk Factory’ – Broche en argent, agates, perles, porcelaine, verre, résine synthétique /Brooch in silver, agates. pearls, bone china porcelain, glass, synthetic resin

‘Spiral Double Jetties’ -Broche en argent, citrine, porcelaine, verre,  polyester, résine synthétique/Brooch in silver, citrine, bone china porcelain, glass, polyester, synthetic resin

‘Summer on The Beach’ -Broche en argent, porcelaine, verre, polyester, résine synthétique, pierres de lune/Brooch in silver, bone china porcelain, glass, polyester, synthetic resin, moonstones


des textures incroyables, entre sucre cristallisé, sable coloré, grains de grenade, oeufs de saumon, caviar …. et des couleurs à se pâmer … un monde de la mer à croquer ! :-)


Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h
137 avenue Laurier Ouest
Montréal, Québec H2T 2N6
Tel 514-840-9362


ManifatturaMilano Autunno 2010 – Milano (Italy) – 15-16-17 Oct. 2010

Un percorso di design, artigianato ed arte immersi nella scenografia di una serra, tra le piante, i sapori e i profumi dell’autunno.L’appuntamento è per venerdì 15 ottobre dalle ore 18 e poi sabato 16 e domenica 17, dalle 10h alle 20h presso Serra Lorenzini a Milano, in via dei Missaglia 44. Nell’affascinante cornice della serra, tra aromi, colori e piante, vi proponiamo un percorso espositivo di piccole e grandi creazioni fatte a mano, da ammirare, gustare ed acquistare. In programma numerose iniziative: presentazioni, degustazioni di vini autunnali,
dimostrazioni scultoree con motosega, biciclettate… ed altro ancora!

ManifatturaMilano Autunno 2010 - Milano (Italy) - 15-16-17 Oct. 2010 dans Exposition/Exhibition 62139_122549154464949_100001295958599_118122_2260800_n

creazioni di Manuela Gandini, Glix Atelier Milano (Paulie Schwartz), …..


Serra Lorenzini
via dei Missaglia 44/2, angolo De André,
Milano MM2 Abbiategrasso / Tram 3, 15
Milan, Italy

EXPO ‘Liana Pattihis: Chained’ – Hellenic Centre, London (UK) – 12-15 Nov 2010

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Grande-Bretagne (UK),Liana PATTIHIS (CY/UK) — bijoucontemporain @ 5:43

 Liana Pattihis : Chained

EXPO Liana Pattihis

« Αλυσοδεμένο- Alysodeméno meaning ‘Chained’, represents a body of work, a journey in time which links pieces created from 2005 to today, from my early experimentations with enamel, through to the ‘knitted chain’ and ‘Istos’- ‘Webb’ series, which are inspired by the intricate lace and embroidery of traditional Greek and Cypriot costumes.
The title
Alysodeméno is used here primarily as a metaphor. The work not only involves enamel which is ‘chain bound’, but also reflects a personal visual language. As the future is inexorably linked to the past and the traditional is tied to the contemporary, so is the strong undivided link between what represents me as an artist and my Greek-Cypriot heritage.

EXPO 'Liana Pattihis: Chained' - Hellenic Centre, London (UK) - 12-15 Nov 2010 dans Exposition/Exhibition IstosWebbNecklace012010
Liana Pattihis- ‘Istos’ Web Necklace 01 2010,+2010,+Liana+Pattihis.jpg

Liana Pattihis- ‘Istos’ Web Necklace – detail

BlueCircleBrooch2007 dans Grande-Bretagne (UK)
Liana Pattihis-Blue Circle Brooch 2007 – Silver, copper, enamel stainless steel – Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s Painting ‘Blue Circle’

Liana Pattihis-Blue Knitted 3D Brooch – 2010



Hellenic Centre
16-18 Paddington Street, Marylebone
W1U 5AS – London
United Kingdom
Telephone: 020 7487 5060


2010  « Foc » / « Fire », Dterra gallery-workshop,
C/Anselm Clavé, 9 – St. Cugat del Vallès-Barcelona-Spain
November 19 – January 29  2011


Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot