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EX-VOTO JEWELS – create & donate, in order to help HIV people – deadline : 15 NOV. 2010

En 2009, nous avons organisé, avec l’aide des associations « Comme la Lune », une exposition sous le thème « Bijoux sertis de solidarité », auquel beaucoup d’entre vous ont participé en créant des œuvres pour l’occasion. Ces œuvres ont été vendues au profit des personnes vivant avec le VIH et tous les fonds de cette vente ont été versés à l’association « Comme la lune », qui vient en aide à des personnes vivant avec la VIH.

Cette année on remet le couvert pour la Saint SIDA avec notre projet d’atelier d’expression, la deuxième édition sera « nos ex-voto au temps du sida ».

Qu’est-ce que c’est un ex-voto? Un ex-voto est une offrande faite à un dieu en demande d’une grâce ou en remerciement d’une grâce obtenue, et il peut prendre plusieurs formes (petit tableau, sculpture, etc).

Vous pouvez créer votre ex-voto et nous l’envoyer avant le 15 novembre 2010 à :

ALLIAGES – 111 Boulevard Victor Hugo – 59000 LILLE

Comme en 2009, les œuvres seront exposées en décembre dans les locaux de l’Espace APACE:ART et elles seront vendues au profit de projets de bien-être des personnes séropositives.

Vous pouvez avoir plus d’informations, ainsi que des exemples et le bilan de l’action 2009 sur :

EX-VOTO JEWELS - create & donate, in order to help HIV people - deadline : 15 NOV. 2010 dans Appel a candidature / Call for Entry 50215_116079011779464_2480_n

We have organized in 2009 an exhibition in order to collect funds to help HIV people and some of you have participated to this event creating a jewel. The total of the money collected has been used to help people living with AIDS.
This year we come back with the second chapter : EX-VOTO JEWELS. An ex-voto is a votive offering to a saint or divinity. It is given in fulfillment of a vow or in gratitude or devotion, and it can take a wide variety of forms.
You can create your ex-voto and sent it to us before november 15th, 2010 to :
ALLIAGES – 111 Boulevard Victor Hugo – 59000 LILLE – FRANCE
All works will be exhibited on DEC 2nd to 9th and sold to help HIV people.
You can have more information (in french) about the event, some ex-voto examples, as well as the minutes of the 2009 action on our webpage :

Nous comptons sur vous !!!!! Cordialement, Juan RIUSECH

EXPO ‘Do you speak French?’ – Gallery S O, London (UK) – 1er-24 Oct. 2010


EXPO 'Do you speak French?' - Gallery S O, London (UK) - 1er-24 Oct. 2010 dans Aurelie DELLASANTA (CH) DO-YOU-SPEAK-FRENCH_GallerySOLondon-2

Artists list:
Aurélie Dellasanta, Noémie Doge, Carole Guinard, Sophie Hanagarth, Sonia Morel, Fabrice Schaefer, David Roux–Fouillet, Julie Usel

DSC_0128-2 dans Carole GUINARD (CH)
Julie USEL potatoe rings



Gallery S O London
92 Brick Lane
E16RL – London
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)207 377 8008

EXPO ‘Lina Peterson: Imagined Objects of Desire’ – The University Museum, University of Nottingham (UK) 1er Oct.-17 Dec. 2010

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Grande-Bretagne (UK),Lina PETERSON (SE),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:06

Imagined Objects of desire

EXPO Lina Peterson - Imagined Objects of Desire

« The pieces made for the exhibition were made between March and August 2010 as part of a museumaker commission for the University of Nottingham Museum of Archaeology. They were inspired by objects from the museum’s collection, which holds a wide variety of artefacts covering a 500 000 year period.
I chose to work with both beautifully preserved pieces on display in the museum and with unrecognisable fragments kept in the museum’s basement. The museum objects help us understand the lives of our ancestors, but they can also confuse and lead us astray. I was interested in highlighting this idea of the unknown and the feeling of discovery associated with archaeology. By placing my objects next to the museum pieces it is my hope that the viewer will look at the museum artefacts in a different light and to take a deeper interest in them.
The final objects are what I call « hybrid-artefacts », part ancient, part new. I hope that they are intriguing, humorous and playful, with each piece in a sense a collaboration between the original maker and myself.  » (Lina Peterson, September 2010)

EXPO 'Lina Peterson: Imagined Objects of Desire' - The University Museum, University of Nottingham (UK) 1er Oct.-17 Dec. 2010 dans Exposition/Exhibition Yellowly-2_jpg_476x343_crop_q85
Lina Peterson creates objects of desire using archaeological fragments
The University of Nottingham Museum holds archaeological artefacts from the Palaeolithic age to the Post Medieval period, excavated in the East Midlands and from the Mediterranean. They reflect the everyday lives of people, including jewellery, hairpins, Roman shoes; and a Roman pottery collection of international significance. The nearby Lakeside Arts Centre hosts Lustre, one of the UK’s best contemporary craft shows, and the 2010 edition is scheduled for 13 & 14 November, when there will be an opportunity to see Lina’s project.
Lina Peterson has created imaginative pieces of contemporary jewellery, ‘hybrid-objects’, taking the University’s collections as a starting point. The pieces are both thoughtfully researched and playful. Lina’s items are replicas of ancient objects, with contemporary additions. She has worked with beautifully preserved artefacts on display in the University of Nottingham Museum and also with incomplete fragments, often with an unknown function, from the stores. Lina took casts from the originals to recreate them in bronze and silver, using the lost-wax technique. She then added new elements in a variety of materials. Exhibited in cases beside the ancient objects that inspired them, the work that Lina has produced offers a new and individual interpretation of items in this museum.

jigsaw-brooch__jpg_476x343_crop_q85 dans Grande-Bretagne (UK)
‘Jigsaw’ brooch

 » Lina Peterson uses a wide range of materials in her jewellery, from plastics and cardboard to precious metals. She employs traditional ‘craft’ techniques, such as woodcarving and embroidery – but always with a certain deliberate naivety. Colour is integral to her work. Peterson exhibits at Collect, London, and SCHMUCK, Munich. She is represented by international shops and galleries and by the Crafts Council online exhibition, ‘Exploring Colour’. In 2010, she will exhibit in Jerwood Contemporary Makers. »



The University Museum, University of Nottingham
University Park
NG7 2RD – Nottingham
United Kingdom
Telephone: + 44 (0)115 951 4815


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