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  • > EXPO ‘Aeon profit – piano forte. 145 kilos of jewellery’ – Platina gallery, Stockholm (Suede) 7-30 Oct. 2010


EXPO ‘Aeon profit – piano forte. 145 kilos of jewellery’ – Platina gallery, Stockholm (Suede) 7-30 Oct. 2010

EXPO 'Aeon profit – piano forte. 145 kilos of jewellery' - Platina gallery, Stockholm (Suede) 7-30 Oct. 2010 dans A5 (Afive) (SE) Piano

« Musical instruments and jewelry are similar in a fundamental way, you don’t throw them away. If either were to break or become damaged one would rather put them up for donation, in hopes of sustaining its existence. It is in this way that the group A5 (Afive), Adam Grinovich, Romina Fuentes, and Annika Pettersson, came into contact with a piano.
From its inception the piano has a natural connection to the human body. The piano is built for the body, and according to a human being. The piano can be viewed as a jewel within a room, yet its full value and potential is not realized until it enters a symbiotic relationship with a person. The piano is an embodied idea with a sensitive cultural identity and sentimental value.
In the exhibition “Aeon Profit – Piano Forte” A5 set out to explore the existence of the piano, breaking it apart from human function.
A5 attempts to recreate the pianos identity in a new constellation and a different perspective on connecting to the human body.
The complex mechanisms contained within a piano provide a wide spectrum of materials and forms, not unlike the organs contained within a human body. Together with existential values, we create and accumulate to become the being that we are.
The result ? 145kg of jewelry « 

A5 : Romina Fuentes, Adam Grinovich, Annika Pettersson

forte2 dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE)forte4 dans Annika PETTERSSON (SE)forte9 dans Exposition/Exhibition
forte8 dans Gal. Platina (SE)forte6 dans Romina FUENTES (RA)forte5 dans Suede (SE)
necklaces & ring : piano elements


Platina gallery
Odengatan 68
11322 – Stockholm
Telephone: +46-8-300280

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

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