Loukia RICHARDS Textile Jewelry from Greece
Loukia Richards, Greek designer, is inspired by the shapes, colors & motifs of traditionnal Greek embroidery.
« My jewellery is a game of inventing something precious in form and meaning from an unexpected material. I work with textile a material of sacred character in my hellenic heritage — the sacred character is evident both in the uses of the material in the ancient world as well as in the religious ceremonies of the present.
I am inspired by the shapes, colors and motifs of embroidery tradition of Greece, my mother’s country of origin. My recent work is inspired by the neolithic figurines and the cuneiforms of the cycladic civilization: white, simple, very basic.«
Birds & flowers necklace- silk & cotton threads, semi-precious stones
« Link (faces) » necklace - silk & cotton threads, silver
Lovers dancing cuff – textiles, wool, silk & cotton threads, pearls, button
cuff – 17th Century Embroidery Interpretation – 2006 (CraftCouncil)
New work from Loukia Richards : Images are from a fibre book produced by Loukia Richards during her stay as an artist-in-residence at Ted Noten Atelier in the Amsterdam Red Light District in May 2009. Loukia Richards describes the project as « One of the most didactic and exciting studies I have ever undertaken ». (blog « The Needle Files« )
to SHOP at « The Shop floor project » (UK)