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EXPO ‘「Edelmetal・Edelstahl・Edelstein」’ – Gallery Deux Poissons, Tokyo (Japan) – 22 Oct.-7 Nov. 2010

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. DeuxPoissons (JP),Japon (JP),Okinari KUROKAWA (JP) — bijoucontemporain @ 23:17

Okinari Kurokawa : Edelmetal – Edelstahl – Edelstein

EXPO '「Edelmetal・Edelstahl・Edelstein」' - Gallery Deux Poissons, Tokyo (Japan) - 22 Oct.-7 Nov. 2010 dans Exposition/Exhibition CRO2010extrim2

  本展のタイトル「Edelmetal・Edelstahl・Edelstein」はドイツ語で、「貴金属・ステンレススチール・貴石」を意味します。ス テンレススチールは、英語ではstainless steel(錆びない鋼)というのに対して、ドイツ語ではEdelstahl(高貴な鋼)と表現することに惹かれたという黒川。ステンレススチールをメイ ンの素材として、edel(エーデル、『高貴な』の意)の語呂合わせで、貴金属と貴石を組み合わせたジュエリーで展覧会を構成しています。
 一般的にジュエリーの中心的な素材として使われることは少ないステンレスですが、黒川は以前からステンレスの可能性に着目し、自身のジュエリーに用いて きました。黒川は、ステンレスの魅力を「色や硬質な感じがプラチナに近い雰囲気があり、より明るさがあるところ。しかも比重が軽く、強度も十分なのでとて も使いやすいこと」と話しています。しかし、制作上の機能性に加え、審美的な視点から、ステンレスの新しい形や魅力を引き出すジュエリーを生み出すことが 黒川興成の真骨頂といえます。
 新しいリングの構造を探究し続けている黒川らしい新作の一つは、ステンレスのフレームに、アメジストやトルマリンなどの天然石が浮かぶリングのシリーズ です。ラフな風合いを残した不定形な色石と、直線的で無機質なフレームのダイナミックな対比が、互いを引き立て合っています。20金のパーツを使って緻密 に作られており、指に通すとスムーズに石が動き、ぴったりと指になじみます。このリングはペンダントトップとしても使用できる構造になっており、宙に浮か んで動きが加わるとがらりと表情を変えます。また、置かれている姿は、小さな建築物やモニュメントのような完成された構築的な美しさを備えています。

(juste pour la beauté de l’écriture ………………)

20 dans Gal. DeuxPoissons (JP)
Okinari Kurokawa - rings

 The exhibition title “Edelmetal – Edelstahl – Edelstein” (“precious metal, stainless steel, precious stone” in German) shows three materials that are used in Kurokawa’s new creation. Compared to English word “stainless-steel”, German describes the same metal as “precious (edel) steel”. Being sympathized with such expression in German, Kurokawa chose stainless steel as a main material in his new jewelries. Although Kurokawa has been using stainless steel in his earlier works, this was another challenge to find unprecedented forms with the material, combining with precious stones and precious metal. The result of artist’s long examination will be shown in the exhibition.



gallery deux poissons
2-3-6 B1F Ebisu Shibuya-ku
150-0013 – Tokyo
Telephone: 81 0 3 5795 0451
Fax: 81 0 3 5795 0452

Grassimesse 2010 – Leipzig (DE) – 29-31 Oct 2010


The GRASSIMESSE is organized by the GRASSI museum of Applied Art (Leipzig) and takes place in the reconstructed Grassimuseum, an important building of the Art Decó period. Three exhibition rooms with a total of 1200 sqm provide space for 85 exhibitors.

Grassimesse Leipzig

The GRASSIMESSE is an international forum and a fair for applied art and product design from all fields. It stands in the tradition of the historical GRASSIMESSE, founded in 1920 and famous as “Meeting Place of Modernity.” Since the reestablishment in 1997, the fair has been held once each year on the last weekend of October.

The GRASSIMESSE forum and sales exhibition in equal measure, reflects the world of ideas and the variety of contemporary creative design, promotes developments and sharpens the awareness for design quality. Unique products, limited editions and sample industrial products of jewellery, ceramics, glass, textile, clothing, furniture, metal, leather, toys etc. display a fascinating variety of creative design which allures to see and buy as well. This selection and international orientation enables to gain a comprehensive overview of recent innovations and trends, as well as timeless modern design.

Subject and concern of the GRASSIMESSE is the selection and promotion of quality. Therefore a jury of experts decides on the selection of the exhibitors and will award the four prizes on the occasion of the GRASSIMESSE.

A catalogue of the GRASSIMESSE will be released, it will be feature one example of every exhibitor.

Grassimesse 2010 - Leipzig (DE) - 29-31 Oct 2010 dans ALCHIMIA (IT) Hiller_Mirjam_01Nguyen_Thanh-Truc_01 dans Allemagne (DE)
Mirjam Hiller  – “Tulema” brooch, 2010. Stainless steel, created from a single piece, sawn.
Thanh-Truc Nguyen – Brooch, 2010. Silver, blackened, textile, plastic, assembled, wound, sewn.


Exhibitors 2010 (jewelry) : 

Aliki Apoussidou — Alexandra Bahlmann — Nicole Bauer — Maria Cristina Bellucci — Reinhard Berkes — Vera-Marie von ClaerBabette von Dohnanyi — Marianne Eggimann — Beate Eismann — Nora Fiege –  Jan Exnar — Miki Gamzou — Angela Wandelt –  Barbara Hast –  Mirjam HillerMargit Jäschke Michaela Kirchner — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke –  Unk Kraus – Thanh-Truc NguyenNicolay Sardamov – Beatrix SchmahAngela Simone — Silke Spitzer — Silke TrekelJasmin Winter — Susanne Wolbers — Arek Wolski — Alchimia Jewellery School — Burg Giebichenstein HS für Kunst und Design Halle – Studienrichtung: Schmuck –  Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim Fakultät Gestaltung/Metallgestaltung — Hochschule Wismar, Fachbereich Schmuck

Sardamov_Nikolay_01 dans Angela SIMONE (IT)Spitzer_Silke_01 dans Arek WOLSKI (PL)
Nicolay Sardamov – Brooch, 2010. Silver, shaped (wax model), cast.
Silke Spitzer -“Ein-Astkette” neck jewellery,2010. Wood, silver, blackened

Trekel_Silke_01 dans Beate EISMANN (DE)Winter_Jasmin_03 dans Jasmin WINTER (DE)
Silke Trekel – “Kaktus” brooch,2010. Iron, engraved, enamelled
Jasmin Winter – “Two sides” reversible neck jewellery, 2009. Silver, enamel, artificial resin, silk, assembled, enamelled, knotted

Wolski_Arek_01 dans Maria Cristina BELLUCCI (IT)
Arek Wolski – “Ludzie” brooch, 2008. Aluminium, anodised

13_31 dans Michaela KIRCHNER (DE)
Nicole Bauer
Neck jewellery, 2009. German silver, silver, etched, assembled

Beate Eismann – « Mass and Weight » works

Kleine_Behnke_Ulrike_01 dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)
Ulrike Kleine-Behnke – Brooch, 2010. Silver, wood, assembled, sawn





GRASSI Museum of Applied Art
Johannisplatz 5-11, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Phone 0049-(0)341-2229100,
Fax. 0049-(0)341-2229200

EXPO ‘Mette Saabye – Lost in time…’ – Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam (NL) – 23 Oct.-27 Nov. 2010

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Louise Smit (NL),Hollande (NL),Mette SAABYE (DK) — bijoucontemporain @ 15:42


Movement making marks and leaving imprints in the air. We try to hold on to the experience. Put it in a pocket and hide it away. In the very moment the sentence is uttered. The smell was a mix of sweet and sour. Childhood before everything went wrong. Put it in a pocket. A precious memory, contained in a little treasure without meaning or value. Nothing is more precious than diamonds and gold. Mette Saabye knows this. She puts our memories in pockets. In a pocket on a necklace. In a pocket on a brooch.
Like a puppeteer, she pulls her gold thread and makes us dance and squeal. Fascinated by glittery stones and shiny metal, but mostly fascinated by the familiar. But to seduce is not enough. Finish, decoration and form are not enough. The real content hides inside. The little object worth hiding. Precious. Just knowing that it exists is enough. Keep, hide, cover. The seal makes the memory’s anatomy unbreakable. It is tied, folded and twisted. Still, the quest is impossible. The memory of the memory. Remembrance. Remember to remember. Forget me not.
With sophisticated craftsmanship and a deep knowledge of jewellery as media, Mette Saabye investigates jewellery’s potential. The themes ‘value’ and ‘remembrance’ are investigated again and again. With new visual tools each time. Everyday objects are transformed and elevated to the finest jewels. Their fundamental properties are highlighted and encapsulated so they take on new meaning. Because the material and the object’s value are only decided by social conventions. Their value is altered when they represent a personal memory. It is this paradox that Mette Saabye stages by mixing ‘insignificant’ objects with precious materials such as gold, silver and stones.
She has the piece of jewellery’s iconographic meaning in mind throughout. The pieces have a recognisable and universal jewellery feel. The ring, pendant and brooch as jewellery archetypes are twisted, but without detaching them from their interaction with the body. Jewellery is to be worn and the wear of time is ever present. As the body changes over time, so does the piece of jewellery, to reveal new content.
In this jewellery series, Mette Saabye balances on a knife-edge between the universal and the personal.
- Bettina Køppe

EXPO 'Mette Saabye - Lost in time...' - Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam (NL) - 23 Oct.-27 Nov. 2010 dans Exposition/Exhibition 44226_445854353908_729948908_5013340_4121643_n
Mette Saabye – Lost in time.. ‘When the sky turn Cherry’, Necklace

Mette Saabye‘ocean of birds’

44227_445855038908_729948908_5013351_2228600_n dans Gal. Louise Smit (NL)
Mette Saabye – Lost in time..  « Midsummers-night », Necklace

 dans Hollande (NL) dans Mette SAABYE (DK)
Mette Saabye – Brooch ‘Waiting for spring’ – lacquer, paint, 18 crt gold, cotton – 2010
Mette Saabye – Brooch ‘A summer meditation’ – lacquer, paint, 18 crt gold, cotton – 2010

Mette Saabye -« sparkling company »

Mette Saabye« Abundance », Necklace -lacquer, paint, 18 crt gold, cotton – 2010
Mette Saabye‘on the move’
Mette Saabye‘Memories’,%20PEACE%20AND%20HAPPINESS.jpg

Mette Saabye‘an ideal sunday of freedom, peace and happiness’



Galerie Louise Smit
Prinsengracht 615,
1016 HT Amsterdam (NL)
tel : (020) 625 98 98
fax : (020) 428 02 16
email :
web :


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