EXPO ‘Explosive: Frozen Fireworks – Mia Maljojoki’ – Galleri Hnoss, Göteborg (SE) – 15 janv.-6 Fevr. 2011
Explosive: Frozen Fireworks – Mia Maljojoki
This exhibition is called Explosive: Frozen Fireworks. Fireworks are a momentary explosion to celebrate an event. They produce sound, light, colour, and smoke. Simultaneously, Fireworks produce wonderment, excitement, nostalgia, and inspiration. At the same time, explosions can create fear, anger, and hate. For this exhibition Mia Maljojoki has worked to collect this ephemera to wear them on the body.
Can’t emotion be solid?
Mia Maljojoki was born and raised in Joensuu, Finland. In 2001, she received her BFA from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, USA. In 2010 she received her “Diplom” under Professor Otto Künsli at the Art Academy in Munich, Germany, Also in that year, Mia Maljojoki received the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Award. She is currently living and working as a Jewellery Artist in Munich.
Mia Maljojoki – necklace – 2010 – Plaster, pigment, sting, paint – From series EXPLOSIVE: FROZEN FIREWORKS (Photo Mirei Takeuchi )
”I am a jewellery artist. Using dental plaster, pigments, paint, rubberbands, and strings, I freeze moments to be worn and displayed on the body. My work is formed by motion, mood and play between intention and result. I cast, wash, bite, scratch, throw, scrub, break, and pour. This can last few minutes or can be done in layers taking many months. ” Mia Maljojoki
Mia Maljojoki – necklace – 2010Plaster, pigment, paint, rubber band – From series EXPLOSIVE: FROZEN FIREWORKS (Photo Mirei Takeuchi )
Galleri Hnoss
Konstepidemins Väg 6
413 14 Göteborg, Sweden
Phone +46 (0)31 410919
Fax +46 31 828568
Opening hours:
Wed–Thur 12–17, Fri–Sun 12–16
hnoss is located at Konstepidemin – an area full of studios, galleries and other cultural activities in Göteborg. www.konstepidemin.se