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EXPO ‘Jewellery Artist Lisa Björke’ – Four, Gothenburg (Sweden) – 4 Fevr.-19 Mars 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Four (SE),Lisa BJORKE (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:01

Four presenterar stolt smyckekonstnären Lisa Björke. I februari visar vi « Where dreams belong…« , Lisa Björkes Masterarbete från Konstfack från 2010. Vi startar med Vernissage fredag 4/2 16.00-20.00. Varmt välkomna!


EXPO 'Jewellery Artist Lisa Björke' - Four, Gothenburg (Sweden) - 4 Fevr.-19 Mars 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition lisabj%f6rke14.jpg-for-web-large

«  Imagination, fantasy, make believe, dreams, day dreams, there is several thing we can call the world we have inside our mind…. something that we all experience individually but that we can recognize universally when seen in a scenery in theater, movies and pictures and so forth.
My work is about the balance or unbalance between the real and the fantasy. The pieces can be seen as a micro cosmos on the border, they represent a portal to either of the two worlds: the real or the fantasy land.
The pieces can be seen as characters in a play in an unexciting reality; they belong in the same family but play different parts. If this was a fairy tale who would be the evil stepmother and who would be the hero saving them all from despair?
Whatever part they are playing I want them to be on the borderline where jewelery ends and imagination begins…
Jewelery can be a portal to journeys within the mind, as we can say the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder we might as well say the journey will be in the mind of the same.
Maybe they didn’t grow out of my hand, but out from a dream in to a scenery where they seem to belong. Are they what they look like, or do they keep a secret inside, are they what the hole was in Alice in wonderland or the closet in Narnia, the portal to a surreal world?? I sure hope so…..
Only if I dare crossing the border, drop the control, I can start a travel within the mind, in a land where reality and dream blend in with each other and the order of things is subverted and unpredictable and you are invited to come along. » (Lisa Björke about « Where dreams belong…« )

lisabj%f6rke10.jpg-for-web-large dans Four (SE)


Nordhemsgatan 74
Gothenburg, Sweden

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