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EXPO ‘BACKYARD – Mirjam Hiller’ – Galeria Reverso, Lisboa (PT) – 26 Mars-22 Avril 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Reverso (PT),Mirjam HILLER (DE),Portugal (PT) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

« What remains unseen behind the house?
Is there a shelter to escape the chaos of the outer world?
Is there a beautiful garden with old and buckled trees overgrown with ivy that are surrounded by colourful flowers, smelling so sweet and intense that they mesmerize you withtheir scent?
Is there a run-down hut filled with discarded, rusty machines guarded by a playful dog ruuning around barking at the bees?
These hiden places pique my interest and inspire me to let my imagined discoveries take form in my hands » Mirjam Hiller

EXPO 'BACKYARD - Mirjam Hiller' - Galeria Reverso, Lisboa (PT) - 26 Mars-22 Avril 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition 187891_206690146024176_965232_n

2011_backyard01 dans Gal. Reverso (PT)
Mirjam Hiller - brooch

2011_backyard09 dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)
Mirjam Hiller - brooch

2011_backyard02 dans Portugal (PT)2011_backyard06
Mirjam Hiller - pins

Mirjam Hiller - brooch

Mirjam Hiller - brooch



Galeria Reverso
Rua da Esperança, nº 59 / 61
1200 – 655 Lisboa
phone / fax: +351 213 951 407
Paula Crespo
Ana Isabel


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