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COUP de COEUR ! Luigi Mariani

Classé dans : Artifizio (IT),COUP DE COEUR,Gigi MARIANI (IT),Italie (IT),www JewelleryScape — bijoucontemporain @ 21:31

Luigi Mariani, ou « Gigi » Mariani (pas le Gigi de « Gigi l’amoroso » …. emoticone), bijoutier à Modène, en Italie, fait partie du groupe ARTIFIZIO  et nous accueille sur son site par une jolie citation d’Alexandre Dumas père !

COUP de COEUR ! Luigi Mariani dans Artifizio (IT) home

coup de coeur pour ses dernières créations de bagues, entre sculpture et architectures, à l’air rugueux, sauvage et sombre de prime abord, mais à la poésie bien présente, très loin du « nunuche »…. :-) superbe travail de l’argent bruni et oxydé ….

Luigi Mariani- anello argento 925 brunitura, oro giallo 750, oro bianco 750, diamanti

Luigi Mariani-  anello argento 925, oro giallo 750, ossidazioni

Luigi Mariani- ‘Equilibri’ – anello argento 925 ossidato con elementi oro giallo 750

« Gigi Mariani sperimenta le innumerevoli possibilità creative del metallo attraverso gioielli “informali e materici”, la cui consistenza richiama il tocco pastoso della pittura. L’artista, pone in un rapporto dialettico dipinto e ornamento, lasciando che si influenzino reciprocamente e focalizzandosi sulle potenzialità espressive delle superfici.

Gigi Mariani’s work deals with both jewelry and painting. He places them in a relationship of reciprocal influence and focuses on the expression’ power of surface. In his jewels, the artist experiments with metal’s creative potential. » (sur « JewelleryScape« )

Luigi Mariani- anello argento 925 brunito, oro giallo 750, diamante
Luigi Mariani- « teatrini » : anello sole-luna – argento-925-brunito-con-elementi-oro-giallo-750-mobili


EXPO ‘Svolte, tra riforma luterana e gioiello contemporaneo’ – Alchimia School, Firenze (IT) – 24 Mars-6 mai 2011

« Svolte, tra riforma luterana e gioiello contemporaneo« 

13e Erfurter Schmuck symposium

Since 1984  the  Schmucksymposium in Erfurt takes place every two years in the German city of Erfurt, with the aim of supporting the creative work of jewellery artists. A group of artists invited for this occasion and Volker Atrops, artist in residence at Erfurt in 2009, have worked together in July 2010 for the preparation of a symposium on the theme of Martin Luther’s journey to Italy between 1510 and 1511. This journey was the  turning point in the life of the great theologian who initiated the Reformation and had a huge impact across the continent, not only on the  political history but also on social relations and costume.
The radical questioning of decoration (the churches, but not only ..), the reference to a vision of monastic life (with the condemnation of ornament), the establishment of principles which then unexpectedly became the foundations of capitalist ethics are all themes that are of great interest to art and  art jewellery.
Dana Seachuga
Fabrizio Tridenti
Daniela Boieri


Piazza Piattellina 3/r
50124 Firenze, Italy
Tel. +39 055 223218
Fax. +39 055 223218

Daniela Hedman …. c’est le pied !

Classé dans : Daniela HEDMAN (SE),Suede (SE),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03

«  I have a grounded fascination with the body and in creating my jewellery I often I see my own body as a tool for expression and I enjoy making objects related to it.  » (Daniela Hedman )
Daniela Hedman – necklaces ‘Feet’ 2010 – Copper, cotton, thread (Ground series)


Daniela Hedman was born in 1979. She works and lives in Stockholm, Sweden.
Daniela started her studies in jewellery in 2002 at Holbaek Kunsthøjskole(Denmark) and continued her studies in silversmithing at Nyckelviksskolan, Stockholm(Sweden). In the years between 2003-2008 she took a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree at Konstfack – University of Arts and Crafts, Ädellab – jewellery and corpus, Stockholm(Sweden). Since her graduation she has participated in exhibitions and publications in Sweden and abroad.
Her main concern is jewellery making but she also works with different media to fully express herself on the field of contemporary jewellery.
With her work « GROUND – Description of a relation between body and object » she deals with a deeper way of looking at the core of contemporary jewellery, which in her view is the connection and relationship between body and object.
During that interaction the core of what happens when a body and object meet is described.

Daniela Hedman- necklace toes 2010 - wool leather copper nails
Daniela Hedman - necklace toes 2010 – wool leather copper nails





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