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COUP de COEUR : Niki Stylianou, en noir et rouge

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Grece (GR),Niki STYLIANOU (GR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:20

« The Ancient Greek word «kosmos» could be read as rhythm; as order; as the making of a pattern that could be traced again and again and be embodied in the cosmos as we understand it. In a way «kosmos» makes the cosmos visible.
«Kosmos» could also be read as adornment. Homeric epics describe how «kosmos» clothes the body as a second skin to make it appear.
Through my work I try to redefine «kosmos», designing adornments made of ordinary and overlooked everyday objects. Things that I de-construct and re-arrange in space/puzzles, that clothe the body while speaking of immaterial relationships:
The precious and the non-precious; the beautiful and the ambiguous; the familiar and the unusual; the lasting and the ephemeral. »  Niki Stylianou

COUP de COEUR : Niki Stylianou, en noir et rouge dans COUP DE COEUR
Niki Stylianou - necklace ‘Folds’ – rubber hand-cut + hand painted, black onyx matte, silver

 dans Grece (GR)
Niki Stylianou - pendant « sections » – rubber hand-cut + hand-sewn, thread, pearls, oxidized silver

 dans Niki STYLIANOU (GR)
Niki Stylianou - Ring « Folds » rubber hand cut + hand painted, liquid acrylic, silver 2009

Niki Stylianou - Ring « Folds »

COUP de COEUR ! Sandra ENTERLINE – où le métal devient lumière

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Gal. Velvet da Vinci (US),metal,Sandra ENTERLINE (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:07

« I form spare hollow constructions from thin gauge silver, reminiscent of industrial relics. After each piece is drilled, it takes on an entirely different, more organic feel. The pieces vibrate; the interior and exterior shift with changing light. My recent work also addresses light and opening. I have incorporated organically shaped diamond sheets, which act as windows that allow light to pass through. The diamonds are crudely set above large spaces that mimic the shape of each unique stone, enhancing the individuality of every diamond. » Sandra ENTERLINE
Sandra Enterline – Necklace, silver, 18k gold (sold at De Novo Gallery, Palo Alto, Usa)
Sandra Enterline -  Earrings, silver, 22k gold, perforated (De Novo Gallery, Palo Alto, Usa)

All Sandra Enterline images at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All Sandra Enterline images at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All Sandra Enterline images at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,

Pierced Ring Series   –   ‘starfruit’ pendant  sterling silver w/ heat patina, stainless steel cable   –   earrings – silver & gold, perforated
(pictures from Velvet da Vinci)

All Sandra Enterline images at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All Sandra Enterline images at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sandra EnterlineCup Necklace (& detail) – sterling silver, stainless steel cable

COUP de COEUR !  Sandra ENTERLINE - où le métal devient lumière dans COUP DE COEUR sandraenterlin2%5B1%5D
Sandra Enterlinebracelet 

COUP de COEUR : Sidney Caldwell-Deaghlan

Classé dans : Sidney CALDWELL-DEAGHLAN (US) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:01

mais surtout coup de coeur pour ce collier … démesuré !
Cranbrook Academy of Art, Graduate Candidate 2011, Maker

COUP de COEUR : Sidney Caldwell-Deaghlan dans Sidney CALDWELL-DEAGHLAN (US)
Sidney Caldwell-Deaghlan-  « fear » necklace – river rock( found on the cranbrook campus), lambskin


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