Jointed Jewels by Alissia Melka-Teichroew (AMT jewelry) – ou comment avoir les boules …
Jointed Jewels by Alissia Melka-Teichroew
« Jointed Jewels represents a union of new and old, organic and industrial, functional and decorative. At the heart of the project is the intention to transform complex and separate elements into a new kind of whole. It started as an exploration of ball joints, commonly found in cars and hip replacements. Alissia Melka-Teichroew had the idea of creating a ball joint -normally assembled with separate parts- as one single piece. Through the use of selective laser sintering she was able to literally make a ball inside a ball.
Each piece has been made with the same technique: it seems like an intricately assembled object but is in fact one single piece that was made in one go. Many of the bangles, necklaces and rings are interpretations of renaissance and Victorian jewels and there are also references to intricately made and very precious pieces by luxury brands like Bulgari and Cartier. In addition, there are multi-tiered necklaces that display connecting joints that resemble human bone structure. »
« This osteologically inspired jewelry series is based on the ball and socket joint used in industry and as surgical replacements. Instead of constructing her jewelry as separate jointed pieces, they are produced as a whole. She used a technique called selective laser sintering to make a ball inside a ball. Her innovative concept thus transforms a mundane industrial connector into adornment. «
« The pieces in the Jointed Jewels collection seem to have been intricately assembled, but each was a single piece made in one shot. » (from mocoloco web site)
jointed jewels (photo Lisa Klappe) – to see on Flickr
jointed jewels (photo Lisa Klappe)
jointed necklace (from blog « fastcompany« )