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COUP de COEUR : Satomi KAWAI « Mono object maker »

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,email / enamel,Japon (JP),Satomi KAWAI (JP) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

Satomi Kawai , « Mono object maker » (j’adore cette formule !)
MFA in Jewelry and Metal Arts, University of Iowa, IA, USA

« My artwork is the expression of my personal femininity.  My grandmother was the source of my feminine awareness, and she influenced my aesthetics.  She taught me handcrafts, such as sewing and felting, which have now become my personal methodology.  Since I came to the United States twelve years ago, I have been on a journey to discover who I am, as an individual and as a woman.
My attitude and perspective about my femininity are derived from Japanese culture, but at the same time, is influenced by American culture. In my new life, I feel a strong connection with nature, which plays an essential role in my process of creating wearable objects. This is why I employ natural materials such as wool, cotton, silk and wood.  I still sense that there are lively cell activities within my body . »

Satomi Kawai
Symbiosis Ring II – Copper; oxidized and pigment applied, silk thread, sterling silver – 2010

satomi_Connection-and-Division-Necklace-I dans email / enamel
Satomi KawaiConnection and Division Necklace I – 2010

satomi_Connection-and-Division-NecklaceII_worn dans Japon (JP)
Satomi KawaiConnection and Division Necklace II – 2010

 dans Satomi KAWAI (JP)
Satomi KawaiConnection & Division Brooch II – Copper; oxidized and pigment applied, cotton Organza, cotton thread

Satomi KawaiDots like frill – copper and fabric


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