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COUP de COEUR : Sunghee PARK – exploration of constructed space and form

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Craft Victoria (AU),Korea (KR),metal,Sunghee PARK (KR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05

Sunghee PARK  Lives and works in Melbourne, Australia

Sunghee Park is a new talent in contemporary metal, who recently exhibited in the Inside Out Exhibition of the Jewellery and Metalsmiths Conference, 2008 and was featured in issue No. 84, Monument Magazine, 2008.
Originally from Seoul, South Korea, Park has been studying at Monash University in Melbourne.  In 2004 Park completed a Diploma of Art and Design at Monash College and during 2005-2007 completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts in metal and jewellery.
In her work Park explores the concept of space and presents geometric forms in new ways.  Using the cube as her starting point, Park creates 3-D forms in flat sheets from a number of perspectives. During 2008, Park has developed her ideas further, by introducing colour and movement into her work as well as using new materials to produce larger pieces. (ART WITH AL)

Neckpiece 2
Sunghee PARK - Neckpiece 2, mild steel – 2007

Neckpiece 4
Sunghee PARK - Neckpiece 4 – mild steel – 2007

Neckpiece 5
Sunghee PARK - Neckpiece 5 – mild steel – 2007

Neckpiece 6
Sunghee PARK - Neckpiece 6 – mild steel – 2007

Neckpiece 7
Sunghee PARK - Neckpiece 7 – mild steel – 2007

This exhibition (Contemporary jewellery – Illusion series by Sunghee Park – 2009) is an exploration of constructed space and form.  The pieces, produced over a two year period, begin with flat sheets of steel and the concept of a cube. Park then experiments with form, using flatness and layering to examine simplicity, movement. light and shadow.
Moving from constructed space and form, Park then explores the natural environment, in particular mountain scapes, which inspire different techniques and approaches to examine simplicity, movement, light and shadow.
As an emerging contemporary jeweller, Park’s work is a series of experiments, based on geometric forms to evoke movement and the play of shadows.  2009 will be an exciting year for Park as she has successfully completed her training and begins a new chapter in her career.


Brooch 6
Sunghee PARK - Brooch 6 – mild steel – 2008

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