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Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Korea (KR),Myung URSO (S.KR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05

 Myung URSO last works

« My imagination transforms itself from memories and personal stories. Painterly surfaces and sculptural forms influence my contemporary jewelry aesthetic.
Assisting my elderly mother with hand sewing and the traditional ways for the preparation of food helped to shape my hand skills. The shaping of rice cake and arranging vegetables for winter storage enhanced my visual aesthetic. My previous work experience as an editor/reporter and art curator has broadened my knowledge and interpretation of contemporary jewelry.
Calligraphy and sewing serve as my fundamental techniques, which I have practiced throughout my lifetime. Calligraphy has always fascinated me in how the brush stroke touches and enlivens the surface of a paper or fabric. Black ink lines and patterns often reveal meaningful symbols, letters or poetic landscapes.
The collaboration between metal and various fiber materials enhance my ability to create.
Materials have their own character and offer many unique shapes, colors, patterns and textures.
I challenge myself to emphasize the special characteristics and beauty of materials while expanding the boundaries in creating an original identity for my jewelry art forms »

Myung URSO - Neckpiece Wraparound 2011
Myung URSO – neckpiece ‘Wraparound’ 2011 – Silk, thread, sterling silver, lacquer

Myung Urso - neckpiece 'Stroke'  2011
Myung URSO  - neckpiece ‘Stroke’  2011 – Hanji (Korean mulberry paper), oriental ink, sterling silver, lacquer

Myung Urso - neckpiece 'Combination' 2011
Myung URSO  - neckpiece ‘Combination’ 2011 – Hand-dyed cotton, Hanji, thread, sterling silver, lacquer

Myung URSO  - necklace ‘Variation’ 2011 – Hanji, twig, acrylic paint, sterling silver, lacquer

Myung Urso - brooch 'Morning Glory' 2011
Myung URSO  - brooch ‘Morning Glory’ 2011 Silk, thread, sterling silver, lacquer

Myung URSO  - necklace ‘Message’ 2011 – Old Korean book, hanji, polymer clay, sterling silver, lacquer


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