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  • > EXPO ‘Victoria Moore – Damascus Jewelry’ – Shibumi Gallery, Berkeley, CA (USA) – 4 Juin-31 Juillet 2011


EXPO ‘Victoria Moore – Damascus Jewelry’ – Shibumi Gallery, Berkeley, CA (USA) – 4 Juin-31 Juillet 2011

Classé dans : damas,GALERIES,metal,USA,Victoria MOORE (US) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

Victoria Moore - Damascus Jewelry

June 4 – July 31, 2011

*Reception: June 4, 4-7pm
Informal talk about the work and process will be at 4:30pm

Artist quote: My work is about sensitive forms and the delicate lines that move through them. Craftsmanship and attention to details are vital to the completion of each piece.
Victoria MooreNecklace of Squares - damascus steel, 18k,
Victoria Moore


About the work: Metalsmith Victoria Moore works primarily in steel to create exquisitely patterned jewelry. The expected application of steel as a macho structural material inspires her to rebel against that expectation to create forms and surfaces from steel and other metals that are personal, feminine, soft and tactile.


About the technique: Victoria Moore’s core technique is Damascus steel, a layered steel that has origins in Middle Eastern sword-making from 1100 to 1700 AD. The layered metal is made from alternating layers of steel and iron that are forged together and uniquely patterned by carving and flattening. The movement of the patterned line within each forged piece is important to the development of each shape. Gold and diamonds highlight the movement of the line.


Brief artist background: Victoria has a MFA in metalsmithing from Rochester Institute of Technology and a BA from the University of Maryland, concentrating in sculpture. Starting with a childhood of making things Moore has devoted her life to hand made creations, never without some object in progress.
Victoria Moore: hoops, damascus steel
Victoria MooreGalaxy Brooch - damascus steel, 18k, diamonds

Victoria Moore- « Circle Earrings » – Gold, Steel, & Stone Earrings






Shibumi Gallery
1402 Fifth Street . Berkeley . CA . 94710
 t. 510.528.7736
 Saturday 12-6pm
& Sundays 12-5
+ by appointment during the week

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