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Savoir passer l’EPONGE …………
Christian Astuguevieille – Bracelet éponge bleue (La Piscine, Roubaix – don de l’artiste en 1995)

stefano poletti bleus
Stefano PolettiCollier en éponge naturelle teintée et perle recouverte de feuille d’or monté sur fil d’or -  Boucles d’oreille en bronze peint et perle recouverte de feuille d’or

Savoir passer l'EPONGE ............ dans Christian ASTUGUEVIEILLE (FR) sponge%20jewelleries_7_jpg.jpg.opt487x487o0,0s487x487sponge%20jewelleries_4_jpg.jpg.opt489x489o0,0s489x489 dans COUP DE COEUR
Mey and Boaz Kahn (IL) -  Sponge jewelries

« This series was made in Berlin, in an old silversmith workshop. We manufactured there all of the metal parts and added the natural sponge. We were inspired by the animal world, especially while thinking of the horns as an accessories. In the process, we were looking for the suitable material that like the horn and the beard, has a strong impression,  that is growing slowly and impulsive and that has an organic nature. After long searching we found the natural sponge as the right material. » (

2303279716_537bb23f72_o dans IDAR OBERSTEIN/Hochschule TRIER (DE)
Liz STEINER  necklace (from 18kt blog)
Javier Rubio Rodrigo (Valencia, ES) « Virus » necklace 2008. Silber, sponge, onyx

(exchange program at Idar-Oberstein – « I came to Idar-Oberstein, because I like to with stones and I think that german design is very good. Another reason for being here is, to find other ways to work and meet interesting people. The most important differences for me are: Total availability of useing all the facilities and tools of the school. The strong support of the professors and teachers. The good working environment and competition with other students. Presentations of students works at the end of each semester in front of everyone in the school. After my exchange I felt fmore free in the design and use of materials. I think it’s very positive to see the different ways that each student takes in his work and how these ways can be developed. »)

Virus._2008._Brooch_02 dans IDAR-OBERSTEIN (DE)
Javier Rubio Rodrigo « Virus » brooch. 2008. Silber, obsidian, sponge, steel

Virus._2008._Ring._02 dans Javier RUBIO RODRIGO (ES)
Javier Rubio Rodrigo« Virus » ring. 2008. Silber, sponge, onyx
Sungho Cho (Florence, Italy), Lips for Kissing Enemy/Mouse Pieces, 2007, Sponge, plastic, sewn, glued,


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