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EXPO ‘Dark And Sweet’ – Galeria Articula, Lisboa, Portugal – 17 Juin-30 Juill. 2011

« Dark And Sweet »

You are warmly welcome to the opening of the contemporary jewellery exhibition  » DARK AND SWEET  » with the artists Elo Uibokand and Tiina Rajakallio, at the Gallery ARTICULA, Friday,
17 June , from 6 pm till 9 pm. The exhibition runs till 30 July.

EXPO 'Dark And Sweet' - Galeria Articula, Lisboa, Portugal - 17 Juin-30 Juill. 2011 dans Elo UIBOKAND (EE) 250188_1925331187230_1660671088_1911164_55039_n


Elo Uibokand is talented contemporary jewellery artist originally from Estonia. She studied jewellery and stone object design in Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta, Finland and graduated 2009. Tiina Rajakallio is a Finnish emerging jewellery artist. She got her master’s at Konstfack in Stockholm, Sweden in 2008. They both are living and working in Lappeenranta, Finland. “Dark and Sweet” is their first collaboration together.
The dark side is often related to negative aspects of life. In this exhibition the darkness is necessary; it will highlight the light and sweet characteristics of our being. There are always two sides in every thing, together they’ll form a space where both is equally important and constantly in move, equally dependant on each other, so the harmony will be created.

Elo Uibokand has been exploring the theme by emphasizing the possibility for the encounter, femininity and tenderness in the subject by the brownish natural shades of copper and the oval-like shapes, referring to a human/woman. The cat has been obviously used as a symbol for the theme. Cats may be sweet and soft and purring…and at the next moment will bite your caressing hand. So there are oval shapes, smooth and easy to touch and handle and there are cats meticulously sawn out of the metal with sharp edges, as sharp as the bite of the cat. The cat images have been scratched to the surfaces of the metal, the drawings are subtle, even intimate – one has to come closer in order to see and recognize. Here, unlike in printmaking, the plate itself is the subject together with the earrings and necklaces sometimes sawn out from the same plate.

246613_1904245700106_1660671088_1878666_2709461_n dans Exposition/Exhibition
Elo Uibokand  The Power Cat Jewellery 2011

Tiina Rajakallio’s works are about forgetting as a part of remembering. Things get frighteningly lost and changed in our minds, there are empty spaces, black holes; moments we have no image about anymore. Rajakallio has been focusing on the aspect of catching the lost memory, using forms suggesting the handles, the vessels – abstract and concrete at the same time. The materials (mostly wood) have been treated in a different manner. Rough natural surfaces of the branches, slip surfaces carved and painted… You’ll be able to reach your memory… or it will slip away from your hands. The colour palette is delicately natural; except the deep dark ultramarine blue associated with the subconsciousness, the unknown and far away. There are necklaces and brooches to be found in Rajakallio’s series, somehow familiar and strange.

 dans Gal. Articula (PT)
Tiina Rajakallio necklace – 2009



Galeria Articula
Rua dos Remédios 102
1100-450 Lisboa (Portugal)

inauguration de la galerie-boutique Tzuri GUETA – Paris – 17 Juin 2011

Classé dans : GALERIES,PARIS,Tzuri GUETA (IL/FR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:02

 inauguration de la galerie-boutique Tzuri GUETA

vendredi 17 juin · 18:00 23:00
vernissage vendredi soir, ouverture speciale durant tout le weekend, cet evenement se termine lundi soir, avec les evenements des Designer’s Days

inauguration de la galerie-boutique Tzuri GUETA - Paris - 17 Juin 2011 dans GALERIES 187768_220675647952322_3265923_n

187777_159965560736745_8004911_n dans PARIS
1 avenue daumesnil 75012 Paris – metro bastille (au Viaduc des Arts)

254125_2150060789278_1179113197_32701469_1005814_n dans Tzuri GUETA (IL/FR)



galerie-boutique Tzuri GUETA
1 avenue daumesnil
75012 Paris 

COUP de “blues” avec Yura BYLKOV – again ???!!!! yes, but new !!!

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Russie (RU),Yurij BYLKOV (RU) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:02

Yura Bylkov (Saint Petersbourg, RU) – Issu de “Image and Form“, Ecole de design en bijouterie.I’m Yura Bylkov and I come from St.-Petersburg, Russia. I’m a jewellery designer. Art is my life. I get inspired from the world around me that is moving in a constant motion. I’m drawn into usual, everyday things that I later transform using different materials into colorful juxtapositions of form and light.” (Yura Bylkov)

see also on Russian Creators website

COUP de “blues” avec Yura BYLKOV - again ???!!!! yes, but new !!! dans COUP DE COEUR 252821_1807054266087_1531851129_31725797_1300448_n

Yura Bylkov - ring

255079_1807054666097_1531851129_31725799_3869466_n dans Russie (RU)
Yura Bylkov -  ring « arahna 2″ – silver, enamel

248482_1807054906103_1531851129_31725801_190024_n dans Yurij BYLKOV (RU)

Yura Bylkov - rings



Yura Bylkov - ring


Yura Bylkov - brooch



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