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EXPO ‘Fading Landscape’ – DESIGNCENTER, Antwerpen (BE) – 23 Juin-30 Juill. 2011

Classé dans : Belgique (BE),Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Karen VANMOL (BE) — bijoucontemporain @ 12:54

 Fading Landscape  Karen Vanmol

« Karen Vanmol seeks in her work harmony to unite two worlds.
She is looking for a delicate balance between elements of the busy, modern city life and references to the silence and the slowness of nature. Her jewelry combine in a sensitive way clean organic shapes, and building materials with natural materials. Such as ground plans of a house look like farmland, a forests look like skyscrapers, in Karens work blurs the boundary between town and countryside.
Karen searches for the continuous evolution in her work. She continues the differences and similarities between urban and rural areas increasingly drawing out. Here she tries to monitor a Balance. The contrasts are softened by minimalist interventionist. The contrast between city and nature is not a struggle for Karen, on the contrary all elements in her work rapprochement with each other, melting into a soft, balanced unit. » (Lotte De Voeght)

EXPO 'Fading Landscape' - DESIGNCENTER, Antwerpen (BE) - 23 Juin-30 Juill. 2011 dans Belgique (BE) 216050_1749689495242_1028974334_31548094_2681784_n
Karen Vanmol- broche ‘Fading landscape’ serie 2011- wood, zink, paint, goldleaf
Karen Vanmol- broche ‘Fading landscape’ serie 2011- wood, zink, paint, goldleaf
Karen Vanmol- broche ‘Fading landscape’ serie – 2010- Wood, zinc, paint, goldleaf, brass, silver

249760_1845189122673_1028974334_31676458_4401215_n dans Exposition/Exhibition
Karen Vanmol  ‘Fading landscape’ serie – necklace - detail
Karen Vanmol  ‘Under construction’ serie – necklace
Karen Vanmol ‘Under construction’ serie
Karen Vanmol  ‘Under construction’ serie – rings



Lange Winkelhaakstraat 26
2060 Antwerpen (BE)


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