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EXPO ‘Jewellery with enamel 2011′ – Museum Ravenstein, (NL) – 5 juin-9 Oct. 2011

Troisième exposition internationale de bijoux en émail

Ouverture le dimanche 5 Juin de l’exposition de bijoux en émail. C’est la troisième fois que le musée organise une telle exposition. L’exposition comprend des bijoux provenant du monde entier, oeuvres soumises par des artistes dont le travail se trouve dans les grands musées.

Elgin Fischer
Elgin Fischer 2011

Ces bijoux en émail viennent d’Allemagne, de France, Grande-Bretagne, Mexique, Russie, Espagne, Etats-Unis, Venezuela, Suisse et Pays-Bas

Liste des participants :

Marie-Helene Amilien Babs Bannenberg Genevieve Beaurain George Beketov Victoria van den Bergh Maria Berreklouw Mercedes Carvallo Rosa Cassany Dorothy Cockrell Inge van Damme Riet Delescen Isabel Feliu Ferrer Txus Fibla Elgin Fischer Gabor Forgo Leni Fuhrman Hans Gal Ton Gerritsen Ellen Goldman Tine Hardeman Pierre van Hemert Yolanda Ivet Sanchez Higareda Tessa Holland Judith Junger Sylke Alma Klopsch Daniel Kruger Eva Laemmle Leen Loffeld Vladimir Malkin Tini Muller Janet Notman Liana Pattihis Cristina Riambau Nuria Lopez Ribalta Renate Riedel Elena Sacharova Inge Sandeck Isabell Schaupp Daniela Schwaag Elly Stembert Anna Taverne Silke Trekel Lydia Truin Paulina Verzijden Alkesey Veselkin Katinka Waelbers
Silke Trekel - brooch « cactus » chased iron, silver and enamel
Liana Pattihis - brooch
Isabell Schaupp - wire & enamel brooch
Daniela (Danni) Schwaag - necklace – 2010 – enamel on copper, lapis-lazuli




Museum Ravenstein
Musée du verre et l’émail d’art
22 rue du Marché
5371 AD Ravenstein
Tél 0486-411155

Cominelli Foundation Award 2011 – 10 Sept.-9 Oct. 2011

 Fondazione Cominelli -

Premio per il gioiello contemporaneo Fondazione Cominelli


With the second edition of the Fondazione Cominelli Award for Contemporary Jewellery 2011 there will also be the inauguration of the Permanent Collection of Contemporary Jewellery; each edition will enrich the Collection with new works, some by the competition participants and others by artists selected for this year 2011 by the historian and jewellery critic, Bianca Cappello. The permanent Collection will become an important document of the Fondazione Cominelli, an occasion for a visit by jewellery lovers and those of the trade.


The list of candidates selected by Mrs Graziella Folchini Grassetto:

Farrah Al-DujailiRinaldo AlvarezNikolai BalabinSuzanne BeautymanAdrean BloomardFrederic Braham — Donna Brennan — Ximena Briceno — Sungho ChoBeate EismannCristina FilipeChristine GrafAdam GrinovichNatasa Grandovec — Elisa Gulminelli — Catarina HallzonDana HakimPeter HoogeboomMarta HrycMeiri Ishida — Sirya Knaapi — Jimin Kim — Helfried KodreAgnes Larsson — Hadas Levin — Rita MarcangeloMi Mi MoscowMargherita De Martino Norante — Daniela Osterreider — Barbara PaganinRuudt PetersEmanuela Deyanova RamjuliIsabel Schaupp — Francine Schloeth — Sanna SvedestedtGiovanni SicuroKatrin Spranger Gisbert Stach — Maurizio StagniBernhard Stimpfl AbeleSilke TrekelFabrizio Tridenti Maria Trinidad Contreras — Barbara UderzoFelieke Van Der Leest Tanel VeenreLuzia VoigtAndrea WagnerKaori JuzuPetra Zimmermann.
Katrin Spranger- Skeleton of a necklace – Crude oil and its products, silver – 2011



1st prize for the contemporary jewellery competition Fondazione Cominelli 2011 has been awarded to Petra Zimmermann :
Petra Zimmermann: brooch,polymethyl methacrylate,crushed pearls, rhinestones, laquer, steel wire, gold leaf,blackened silver – 2010 


 The 2nd prize has been awarded to Dana Hakim

Cominelli Foundation Award 2011 - 10 Sept.-9 Oct. 2011 dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE) DANA%20HAKIM
Dana Hakim: brooch, iron nets, rubber glove, plastic, reflective lights threads – 2011


and three special mentions  to:


Jimin Kim (Korea): brooch, korean paper, latex, copper ,paint – 2010 

Barbara Paganin (Italy): brooch, methacrylate, oxidize Silver 2011 

Trinidad Contreras (Argentina): brooch, blue porcelain, ready made object, silver, gold leaf – 2011 





Palazzo Cominelli
Via Padre Santabona 9
25010 Cisano di San Felice del Benaco (Brescia)


Edgar MOSA and trees’ necklaces

Classé dans : bois / wood,COUP DE COEUR,Edgar MOSA (PT),Portugal (PT),www DesignBreak — bijoucontemporain @ 0:06

sur le site designbreak, Edgar MOSA est à l’honneur !

Edgar Mosa’s 2010 “Month Three”:  “Trees are like people – its not like you can just walk up to them and expect to get along.

EXPO ‘MIA MALJOJOKI Explosive: Frozen Fireworks’ – Galerie Rob Koudjis, Amsterdam (NL) – 10 Sept.-15 Oct. 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Rob Koudijs (NL),Hollande (NL),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:06

 MIA MALJOJOKI Explosive : Frozen Fireworks

Anger, excitement, surprise set off fireworks in your brain. The Finnish artist Mia Maljojoki’s aspires to capture such emotional moments in material form. She is a jewellery-maker which means her pieces of work are worn as close to your skin as the feelings they express.

Surprisingly she has chosen plaster as her preferred material and has developed a technique involving the use of synthetics to strengthen it, without losing its malleable qualities. Working with this material she is able to build up her pieces of jewellery layer by layer, like a diary with entries on all sorts of experiences and incidents.

There appears to be a link between colours and emotion: to see red with anger or green with envy, and Mia Maljojoki has made the most of this phenomenon. When wearing her work, vividly coloured fireworks don’t just explode in your head but around your neck as well.
black necklace – plaster, pigment, silver, strap – 2010

This exhibition is called Explosive : Frozen Fireworks. Fireworks are a momentary explosion to celebrate an event. They produce sound, light, color, and smoke. Simultaneously, Fireworks produce wonderment, excitement, nostalgia, and inspiration. At the same time, explosions can create fear, anger, and hate. For this exhibition Mia Maljojoki has worked to collect this ephemera to wear them on the body.
Can’t emotion be solid?
necklace – plastic, pigment, silver, rubber – 2010 




Galerie Rob Koudjis
Elandsgracht 12
1016 TV Amsterdam
T +31 (0)20 331 87 96
M +31 (0)6 139 05 554


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