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EXPO ‘Märta Mattsson: Rebirth’ – Four, Göteborg (Sweden) – 24 Sept.-15 Oct. 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Four (SE),Marta MATTSSON (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03

Four is proud to present jewellery artist Märta Mattsson. Her exceptional skill to find balance on the edge between the beautiful and the disgusting has made her work well known internationally.

EXPO 'Märta Mattsson: Rebirth' - Four, Göteborg (Sweden) - 24 Sept.-15 Oct. 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition 276893_123569314411825_1836211932_n

« Sometimes I see beauty in things that other people find strange or are even repulsed by. I become fascinated when there is something you do not want to see and the feeling you get when you do not want to look at something, yet you still do. My jewellery deals with the tension that lies between attraction and repulsion. I take seemingly inappropriate materials, making ordinary and familiar objects seem extraordinary and unfamiliar.« Märta Mattsson

In the 18th century many new breeds of animals and plants were discovered and it was the main era of cabinets of curiosities. People collected rarities because it gave them the feeling of being in the presence of something extraordinary and marvellous. The cabinets of curiosities were not meant to sympathize with the creatures on display, only marvel over their oddity. In a world where not many new and exotic breeds are discovered I use dead creatures in my pieces to evoke wonder. The creatures are transformed and reborn; given a new life as objects of astonishment.
Märta Mattsson
Brooch: Fossil 2011 – Cicadas, crushed copper ore, azurit and malakit, silver, From the series ‘Fossil’
Märta MattssonFossil Brooch – Moths, crushed copper ore, azurit, resin, silver From the series ‘Fossil’
Märta Mattssonearrings From the series ‘Inside’ – Copper electroformed beetle, cubic zirconias, lacquer, silver
Märta Mattsson – brooch: Brown ‘beetle’ From the series ‘Inside’ – 2011 – Electroformed Rhino beetle, lacquer, cubic zirconias, silver
Märta Mattssonnecklace Fossil 2011 – crushed pyrite, resin, cicadas, silver, From the series ‘Fossil’



Nordhemsgatan 74
41309 – Göteborg

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