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EXPO ‘Animalia’ – Two little birds galleri, Göteborg (SE) – 24 Sept.-19 Oct. 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Lisa BJORKE (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05

Lisa Björke visar sin nya smyckeserie « Animalia » i Two little birds galleri
Lisa Björke- Animalia objects

« Is there a borderline between reality and fantasy? Can we tell the difference?
Is it straight or floating, vague or sharp?
What is real and what is not? Do we really need to know?
The pieces can be seen as a micro cosmos on the border. They represent a portal to either of the two worlds – the real or the fantasy world. Only if I dare cross the border and drop the control, I can start a travel within the mind to a land where reality and dream blend in with each other and the order of things is subverted and unpredictable.
Enjoy your journey!
«   (Konstfack degree exhibition 2010)
Lisa Björke


Two Little Birds, Café och Konsthantverk
Andra Långgatan 5, 413 03 Göteborg, Sweden
031-12 12 60


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