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COUP de COEUR : Miriam ARENTZ – Silicone … valley

Classé dans : Allemagne (DE),COUP DE COEUR,Miriam ARENTZ (DE),plastiques — bijoucontemporain @ 0:02

Miriam ARENTZ : « I experiment with the altering of classic materials, styles and appearances to create objects that refer to familiar natural forms in an unfamiliar way.
By composing new shapes out of every day objects I want to draw the attention to the beauty that lies within the most simple things around us.
I get my inspiration by traveling and working in different, unfamiliar places. I look out for things that inspire me to create site-specific collections.
The pieces I make are like a reflection of my very personal and subjective impression of a place, its history, nature or culture. They are my very personal travel diary. Back home I continue working with these new and fresh impressions.

Collection 3: Klunkern (Klunkern: Erfurt dialect: to hang around,  german: tassel)
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver (detail)
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver (detail)
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver (detail)

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