EXPO ‘Château éthéré/Castle in the air/ÕHULOSS group exhibition’ – SOME/THINGS SECRET gallery, Paris (FR) – 22 Oct.-5 Nov. 2011
Château éthéré/Castle in the air/ÕHULOSS – group exhibition
Château éthéré / CASTLE IN THE AIR / ÕHULOSS is a group of 6 jewellery artists from Estonia: Kadri MÄLK, Tanel VEENRE, Piret HIRV, Eve MARGUS-VILLEMS, Kristiina LAURITS, VILLU PLINK [www.klimt02.net]. Formed in 1999, the group has since exhibited their works jointly in Estonia, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, Hungary & China. CASTLE IN THE AIR has compiled & published four catalogues [1999, 2003, 2010 & 2011], while art historians & critics from various countries have sited the work such as German art historian Rüdiger Joppien « …the walls of Castle in the Air are permeable; its content, ephemeral. It takes the form of a projection, developing at a magical moment like some object that in the morning rays of the sun seems close enough to touch, although it is kilometres away. Art bridges that gap; desire overcomes reality. »
Château éthéré / CASTLE IN THE AIR / ÕHULOSS group exhibition at SOME/THINGS SECRET gallery, 16 VILLA GAUDELET, 75011 PARIS, 6-8PM, OCTOBER 22ND is part of ESTONIE TONIQUE ESTONIAN FESTIVAL in Paris & Ile-de-France [October—November 2011; www.estonie-tonique.com]
Eve Margus-Villems
Piret HIRV
Kadri Mälk « Every Angel is Terrible » Brooch
Kadri Mälk
Kristiina Laurits. Cuff Maia. 2002. Wood, silver, lace, synthetic amethyst, knitting
Tanel Veenre – “Orden for the one who is arriving”
75011 PARIS (FR)
viewing is by appointment only / l’exposition est visible uniquement sur rendez-vous
Castle in the Air/ õhuLoss – Jewellery from Estonia – Karl Bollmann – Arnoldsche Art Publishers- 296 pp. – Accompanies the exhibition Stories of the Seashore in the context of the European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011, 26th August to 26th September 2011