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Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,laque,Salome LIPPUNER (CH),Suisse (CH) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:08

Salome LIPPUNER is a Swiss jewellery artist working with traditional Japanese Urushi lacquer. She works with this luscious and sensual material to create dramatic and highly collectable jewellery.

« The japanese lacquer URUSHI, sap of the lacquer tree (lat. rhus verniciflua) is a challenge in craftmanship and patience for the artist.
In a complex process layer after layer of the lacquer is applied to a base, smoothed and polished until the slightest shadow is turned into profound lustre and brillant light.
How to explain the passion for the art of lacquer?
Moving deeply, attaining perfection through shape volume and material.
Both guiding and being guided by knife, spatula and brush, in search for the marriage of the hard and the soft: its an exercise in unintended will.
Through jewelry define and transform space as well as the human body.
These are the qualities I wish to show in my creations.« 
Salome Lippuner, June 2008

Salome Lippuner - urushi lacquer bangleSalome Lippuner – bracelet: Urushi Negoro Kodaishu 2006 – Black & orange coloured japanese lacquer Urushi, Wajimanuri technique
Salome Lippunerneckpiece « Leaves » Urushi Negoro Shu 2007 – Red & black coloured japanese Urushi.Wajimanuri Urushi technique, horsetail hair


Salome Lippunerneckpiece: Kin Kanshitsu 2008 – Black and natural coloured Urushi on hemp-cloth,gold-leaves,horse tail hair
Salome Lippuner -  bracelet
Salome Lippunerbrooch « bone » – ebony, urushi, labrador
Salome LippunerNecklace 2011- Sweetwater Pearls and Suzu Makie Urushi-lacquer – four different ways of wearing a necklace

Une réponse à “COUP de COEUR : Salome LIPPUNER”

  1. mouna dit :

    magnifique! :-)

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