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  • > EXPO ’10 girls 10 colors’ – Salerno gallery, Glebe (Australia) – 19 Oct.-5 Nov. 2011


EXPO ’10 girls 10 colors’ – Salerno gallery, Glebe (Australia) – 19 Oct.-5 Nov. 2011

Tenmoregirls exhibition 2011, ‘10 girls. 10 colours.‘ opens on the 18th of Oct. Salerno Gallery. check check check tenmoregirls’ fabulous works from the 18th to the 5th of Nov.

« 10 girls. 10 colours » is a vibrant exploration of the subjective implications of ten randomly assigned colours. Each girl was assigned a color which she explores in her art – for example, Danielle Butters works with the color purple where she explores the history of the color and its relevance as a symbol of power, Tenille Evans explores the colour yellow…

Each artist randomly selected a different colour to make pieces for this exhibition and 10 colours with each artist are;

a mi kim : brown
andrea iglesias : green
bernadette trainor : orange
carol faulkner : white
danielle butters : purple
jo piper : black
majella beck : red
nikki majajas : pink
radka passianova : blue
tenille evans : yellow


the « Tenmoregirls » 2011 are : A Mi Kim – Andrea Iglesias Bernadette TrainorCarol FaulknerDanielle Butters –  Joanne (Jo) PiperMajella Beck –  Nikki Majajas –  Radka Passianová Tenille Evans

Since 2008, Tenmoregirls have been coming together annually to orchestrate concept-based exhibitions of modern wearables that inspire Sydney art and design communities and thrill the public. The collective consists of ten female designers and makers who met while studying at the Design Centre Enmore and who are committed to exhibiting every year to promote and nurture the medium in their local community and beyond.
Characterised by unusual applications of materials, the challenge of traditional jewellery forms and high quality technical experimentation, tenmoregirls shows have a reputation for exemplifying the high standard of emerging contemporary jewellery in Sydney. This latest project, 10 girls.10 colours. will be their most successful show yet.

All graduates of the Jewellery and Object Design and Manufacture department of the Design Centre Enmore, the girls are based in Sydney, but come from diverse and international backgrounds.
A Mi Kim house series, pendant, 925 silver, ebony, silk cord
Danielle Butters – Feels-Like-Home
Danielle Butters  ‘Where there’s smoke…’ Brooch, Blackened steel – 2010
Nikki Majajas - Jangle Bangle: Brass and gilding metal
Carol Faulkner
Majella Beck  (red )
 Nikki Majajas  (pink)
Carol Faulkner (white)
Radka Passianová – « snowflakes » made for « Girls Around The World » exhibition by Tenmoregirls
 Tenille Evans (yellow)
Andrea Iglesias (green)
Jo Piper  (black)



Salerno Gallery
70 Glebe Point Road,
Glebe, NSW 2037 Australia
tel +61 296600899
Tue-Fri:10-5:30, Sat:10-3, Sun&Mon by appointment.

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